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This is an Express link.

Itā€™s what @Fatso would have wanted. Ha!

Experts have predicted as much as Ā£1.50/mile, what kind of horseshit is this, my tax would go from Ā£0.00/year to around Ā£6000/year.

Yeah but why not. They have limos & shops and public transport in Westminster-cars are a luxury. The Proles dont need them

We got them all to leave the Cities & work from home in the countryside.

Sure my customers wonā€™t mind me punting Ā£15k per year onto them.

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There is far more to Yaxley-Lennon than just being a thug, with pitiful support from two or three hundred knuckle draggers. He is bankrolled by an Israeli/US tech billionaire named Robert Shillman, a very shady gentleman who has been honoured with a statue at Technnion university in Israel, as well as other right wing pro Israel American groups. With serious amounts of money, Shillman alone had him on a salary of high five figures. He is seriously well connected in far right circles, and has serious amounts of money in his coffers, at least 2 million according to an accountant who looked after his books
All this despite his quite extensive criminal record, which goes back at least fifteen years, 12 months for assault occasioning actual bodily harm in 2005, assaulting a police officer with intent to resist arrest, assaulting a police officer and hospitalizing him during a protest in 2010, assault for an attack at an EDL march, guilty of leading a brawl at the Luton Town football riot in 2011. Jailed for 10 months for travelling to the US on a false passport, 18 months for committing mortgage fraud in 2013. Two contempt of court. He is a career criminal. Yet he has all these very rich and influential backers, he is very tight with Netanyahu junior by all accounts. But apparently heā€™s got a cracking right hand on him and is a bit of a bellend!

I canā€™t see Spain granting him residence, strong rumours suggest he will try to settle in Israel, which makes sense. And if he gets bored he can punch himself in the face every morning and tell himself to go back to where he came from.
Heā€™s a nasty, racist horrible cunt.

If he were brown skinned he would be totally despised by the right wing, he ticks all the boxes.
Career criminal, assault of women, assaulting the police, immigration fraud, staunch paedophile defender,( if theyā€™re white). Literally everything the right hate. But heā€™s white, so they love him.


ā€œ It is likely to be between 2p and Ā£1.50 a mile or maybe somewhere in the middleā€

What a load of bollocks

I wonā€™t ask what Barry thinks as Iā€™ll only get myself in trouble :joy:

Its the Express. How seriously do we take football stories from the Express? Why should we take anything else seriously that they publish?

If the story is accurate, does the source matter?

Iā€™m with you to an extent. I live in Liverpool. The hated S*n is not bought or sold here.

That is for a very specific reason. Without wanting to venerate a porn baronā€™s daily attempt at civilisation, can you point to a similar moment the Express had?

How often are their football transfer stories accurate?
My feeling is very rarely.
The Express loves a scare story and this is just another one

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As is most of the media, right or left leaning or even self-professed independents tbf

FFS Matt, everyone will want to move here

Yes Ladyslowlane and I had a fat Czech once upon a time. Petrā€™s CV said he was a knowledgeable Sommelier with a keen palate for fine wines which was true. He was rarely sober. :lou_eyes_to_sky:


He does have a cracking right hand on him.

Dinosaurs in the old bill in Hampshire?
Oh wait

Cunts. :japanese_ogre:

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Just thought of the first team investigated in Line of Duty.
When I used to go to the office one of the sergeants had questionable humour and would share inappropriate jokes. Bantz innit.

Never happened in our officeā€¦

BTWā€¦the little head peering over my shoulder was 100 years old last Sunday. :lou_lol:

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I have heard that a lot of frenzied bass-playing went on.

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They do look like a hedonistic bunch