The Extradition of the Beatles

So it seems that Sajid Javid has ripped up decades of precedence and decided to (potentially) allow the US to extradite the two English ISIS ‘Beatles’ without first seeking assurances over the death penalty.

This fact was only discovered by a leaked letter to The Telegraph and as with everything this government touches at the moment the Tories are handling the storm badly.

Javid sent a deputy to answer an emergency question in parliament yesterday and he died on his arse.

Javid refused to be interviewed by Radio 4 and is seemingly hiding from parliament and the media.

So, Sotonians, what should we do?

  • Send them to the US with no assurance over the death penalty
  • Send them to the US but seek an assurance that they will not face the death penalty
  • Try them in the UK

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The Americans have a habit of extraditing people from foreign countries but will not allow the same from theirs or Americans to be extradited at all (aledgedly)

Does not the British passport say that it is there to help and assist people, It does not say it is to be used to send them to another country where the may possibly end up with a life sentence / death sentence.

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On a lighter note we have an American from the southern states who gets upset when we mention Banjo’s and Rockin chairs

I have no idea why :lou_lol:

They should be made to apologise for Octopus’ Garden or face the death penalty .


Ah, but they had citizenship removed back in March. It was controversial at the time, unsurprisingly, but didn’t cause as much of a stink as one might have thought.
I regard it as a worrying precedent that the U.K. government can decide to make its citizens stateless.

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So where did they originally come from and how did they get citizenship in the first place?

Citizenship was stripped for this reason only. It was done illegally and shouldn’t even matter, as this country doesn’t send people to be tortured and killed by foreign regimes(that’s still the legal position i think).
It’s surely being done to set a precedent for when Assange gets booted out of the embassy on the weekend. Why is no one in the press talking about the treatment of Assange? They were banging on about press freedom enough.

I think they were all born and bred in London (despite being given the nickname of the Beatles). I know one was raised as a Greek Orthodox christian. Not sure about the others but they were all UK citizens.

EDIT: I know it’s the Sun, but they have details on at least two of these shits here (although I think they should face trial here, I think they are shits).

I don’t make a connection with Assange at all.

This is being done because, even for May, it would be too demeaning to actually get on her knees and give Trump head.

It’s a proxy blowjob.

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Possible, but the timing is perfect with the Ecuadorian president turning up here on Friday(who has already said he wants Assange out).
We intend to hand him over to a regime widely documented for committing hideous torture and murder.
I may be completely wrong, but the timing just seems to coincidental.

I thought Assange was Australian :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

EDIT: Just checked - he took on Ecuadorian citizenship. As Bletch says, not sure how this has any relevance to the ISIS Beatles case

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Could be, but the decision to not stand in the way of extradition (they are in Syria ATM I believe) was made in June but leaked recently.

Also they wouldn’t push for the death penalty for Assange. He’s Swedish Australian and white.

And it was “fair” to brutally saw the heads off western aid workers and post videos of them doing it in the name of “religion”. - as if that makes it alright.

Have a trial in the UK. Bang them up in the general prison population and see what happens.


I agree. I have absolutely no sympathy for them and regard this as a point of law and principle rather than anything to do with them as such.


Human Rights are indivisible.

They are humans.

They have rights.

They have the right to a fair trial and whatever happens next.


Doesn’t matter where he’s from if our laws state that we won’t send anyone to face possible torture or death at the hands of a regime known for such.
Don’t we also have an obligation under international law to safeguard anyone claiming asylum?
Again, i may be wrong, but it all feels wrong. Who could be next?


This might be a contrary view however - fuck them. If they stand trial and get life in solitary. tough shit. If they stand trial and get the death penalty, tough shit. They gave up any claim to citizenship and human rights when they tortured and beheaded aid workers dismissing them as collateral damage.

I say again - fuck them

Playing devils advocate here: If it were your nearest and dearest or other close family member or friend that was murdered by these scrotes then would you in all honesty stick to that point of view.

Personally, if put in that situation I’m not sure I could, but then again I’m not the State so would have no real say anyway.

Don’t you think the visit of another countries leader was also arranged a while ago?
I don’t have your faith in his rights being upheld because of nationality or skin colour.
The American regime love torture and don’t care who it is they torture,but they would particularly enjoy slowly torturing Assange.
Where’s our free press when they’re needed?

I’d like to think that principles are exactly that - principles and I wouldn’t sacrifice them.

When society legally kills people we’re all fucked and no better than those we abhor.

Either way, this is what the mother of one of the poor bastards thinks…