📖 The English Language Thread for Pendants

Most women who have had breast cancer dont need supporting as they have had mastectomys.

Just saying like

Why for me?

Fuck know’s


Resident pedant? Is that a random apostrophe?

Am I a (or indeed the) resident pedant then? It’s an apostrophe, nothing for anyone to get excited about.

Oops must have touched a raw nerve.


I see nothing wrong with Mr Banana’s sign.


No need to apologise, and no raw nerve touched. As someone with a degree in linguistics, language is probably the last thing that I’d be pedantic about.

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This what made us chuckle

No worries - I thought it might have resulted in a whimsical polemic about the seemingly errant use of the apostrophe in today’s society - unless of course and as @Goatboy has pointed out, Mr Banana named the restaurant after himself.

For those who like to indulge in linguistic pedantry, this is a good read:

The book from wot it’s an eggzert looks worth a reed two.


I’m quite a right on man but this has annoyed me. The tweet is someone complaining about the use of the term “the missus” and in the responses it turns out saying “kids” is bad as well.

It’s not.

This isn’t purely about English, nor is it for pedants - but what the fuck? It’s a fun quiz for proper word bores like me. And, in the spirit of full and frank disclosure, I am prepared to reveal that I scored an even 10/20.

9/20…would have been 10 if I watched Game of Thrones. :lou_eyes_to_sky:

I’ve never seen said show either, nor felt any inclination to. I did think that was a bit of a crap question.


The Polari question was the easiest. :lou_lol:


11-20, I’ve never watched Got either, but I guessed it correctly so it doesn’t really count. And it was a shit question.

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6 :unamused::smile::smile::smile: