🇸🇾 Syria

@Barry-Sanchez and @Saint-or-sinner is there any need for more back and forth from you both on this as you roundly disagree. It’s not discourse really.


This was your question, which i(and history) answered. Your earlier claims have been shown to be false.
Look things up before you make a claim(might want to expand your sources. Page 37 onwards of the above link will show where to start looking).
Claiming she’s anything but British was indeed Tinfoil material. Well done Javid and the dumb idiots that believed your obvious, hate filled lies.

Tbh it’s better here than across the site.

There is Barry Island as well…

I don’t know what a mic need is, but trust you are correct and will say no more :grin:

She was British.

Well i think it’s very brave of Dianne Abbott, she must have known she would be crucified by the baying mob for saying what she did. But of course she is right, if a so called civilized country like the UK don’t abide by international law what hope is there? Of course our present government, epitomized by our Home Secretary are not interested in the slightest in doing what is right, all that interests them is what the Daily Mail and it’s readers (and Bazza) will think. Abbott puts them to shame. Your ridiculous comparison with the Manson killers is just that, ridiculous. They were adults, who committed disgusting bestial crimes. Begum was a fifteen year old child, a non combatant. Were the non combatant wives of Nazi war criminals prosecuted? Of course they weren’t. Interesting that you now don’t think it’s possible to groom, brainwash and abuse a fifteen year old girl. I look forward with interest to see your next pearl of wisdom regarding Rotherham, Rochdale etc. Funny how the same people who are(rightly) up in arms about the grooming, brainwashing and abuse of teenage girls, don’t see it now! Yes, i’m looking at you Barry. Hypocrite much?
Just for balance, a Tory MP today said,“Clearly Shamima Begun holds abhorrent views, but she was a child, a product of our society, I think we had a moral responsibility to her and indeed to her baby. That is why, at the time i was troubled by the decision to strip her of citizenship. It seemed driven by a sort of populism, not any principle i recognize.”

Surely saving the life of a child is always right. There should be absolutely no arguments over this by civilized people.

And Pap, i think Barry’s definition of the term Liberal is the American definition, ie, anyone who isn’t to the right of Attila The Hun.


I have always stated we should have endeavored to save the child not her, she should of stood trial in Syria first, then possibly when reeducated in Syria returned to the UK if she wanted to, ISIS are to the right of Attila the Hun, you do know they’re ideological religious fascists?
You better get used to populism, populism is what happens when people aren’t listened to, momentum are a populist group. Brexit was populist, UKIP were.
Pick your side as its the future.

Do you think it’s possible to groom, brainwash and abuse fifteen year old girls, yes or no? Or does this only apply when the girls are white.
Enjoy your trip to the Big Apple. Don’t forget to pack your MAGA baseball cap.

You compare to Begum going out to Syria to Rotherham, Oldham, Oxford, Newcastle, Telford and more?

Of course girls can be brainwashed at any age, did she seem brainwashed? Did she seem sorry? Did she see soldiers still as legitimate targets?
How are her beliefs compatible with a modern liberal western way of living where we’re all equal, is she accepting of gays?

She was a child, just as the girls in Rotherham etc were children. You think we are all equal in the West? Jesus fucking wept. how naive are you!

In ideology not wealth, capitalism has failed us, thats another issue, we’ve progressed from cultural and religious oppression, or most of Northern Europe has, we’re free to disagree with religion and backward cultural practices.
So you’re basically saying the Muslim faith is to blame for this? Or followers of the Muslim faith? The communities who didn’t speak out?
What are you saying about Muslims and Rotherham? How many Muslim girls were abused by Muslim abusers in such cases?

From a snowflake source for impartiality.

Not sure why it said mic changed to any.

You’ll forgive me for saying so Phil, but that seems like a very white view predicated on the assumption that the public furore is not a gross exaggeration of the media.

In the real world, the stance is going to appeal to anyone with a sense of due process, anyone in an ethnic minority wondering whether they’ll be robbed of their citizenship too, and anyone that bothers to think one step after the kneejerk.

Whether that constitutes a majority or not, I don’t know, but I’d sooner placate them than a foaming mob of ill-educated shitcunts sleepwalking into one form of authoritarianism after another.

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Well the population is 82% white in the United Kingdom, where you’re from its probably 97/98% white British Pap, ask the people in your manor ha ha, I’d love to see that.

As I said in my post mate, I’m not really interested in placating your side of the great divide.

What Bazza doesn’t understand is the observance of the rule of law protects the rights of every citizen. It’s nothing to do with your political standpoint or where you plant your idealogical flag… The observance of the rule of the masses undermines everyone’s rights. This isn’t a popularity contest it is something much more fundimental.

You’ll not convince “Populist Bazza” otherwise…beware your well thought out standpoints are just scatttered leaves in the wind to him.