šŸ‡øšŸ‡¾ Syria

So you havenā€™t watched it then.

There is a pattern emerging here.
Are you actually legally blind?

I watched the first 10 minutes which featured 106242 terrorist referencesā€¦

How are 100,000 going to get into China?

And yet the part you are talking about is about 18 minutes in. :lou_facepalm_2:

Again, not what he said. Not what I said.

Why do I have to see something to know its rubbish?

Standing in the way of 100,000 Muslims trying to get to central China is mountains so theyā€™d have to walk 1000ā€™s of miles around them, ha ha.

How are they going to get there?

You havenā€™t said much to be honest on here, your quote of that news source sort of says a lot.

Iā€™ll try once more. Thatā€™s not what he said and not what I said.

The one you havenā€™t watched?

So your quote says it but you havenā€™t?

my quote?

This one.

You mean this bit where it specifically doesnā€™t say that 100,000 terrorists will redeploy to China?

What does the good doctor say above it?

note the ā€¦
and the acknowledgement of the figure as an estimate.
Watched the video yet?

Elastic terms.

Always good for a bit of denial on a shit pro Russian/Syrian tv channel.

Donā€™t try to take Barry out of his safe space.
It scares him.


Have a badge, Goat.

Here he is, the male Gina Miller, the biggest liberal of them all, I give you SOS!