🇸🇾 Syria

Still shit at that game Barry.
Have another go, but take your time :thinking:

Here he is, Kier Starmer dressed up as SOS!

Beltch, what is that shit?

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It’s not getting any better is it.
You might have to consider a different approach.
Maybe stop being ruled by the ingrained fear and broaden your horizons a bit.
Before you ask how these terrorists will leave, ask how they entered. Might find the answer your looking for.

They crossed a border or flew in, they didn’t all come from China.

The answer I was looking for was to the statement made by the good doctor and the one Goat was so happy to provide, hate to be a Russian today knowing I am always going to be working and never see a retirement to pay for this.

No one said they all came from China(5-10k from my reading).
Which statement? Not the one you made up. It has to be something they actually said.

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I just read 100,000 going to central Asia and Xinjiang province after being relocated by various nations, all bollocks of course but a lovely story for the pro Russians and Assad regime.

I’ll drop a barrel bomb to celebrate.

Why bollocks?
It’s well documented that western countries have evacuated terrorists from other areas.
The Chinese have also been vocal about the West’s intentions to send terrorists there(mainly their own).
We’re exporting terror everywhere. Have a look and see if you can find another country on another continent, where the white helmets have already been mentioned(as long as 2 years ago).
I don’t think you have any understanding of the networks behind all this. It’s the same happening everywhere, planned and executed by the same groups, against any country that has resources and doesn’t want to hand them over to the corporations.
These will help, if you can force your eyes to open. More about Latin America, but it’s all connected, so Syria gets a decent mention in both.
Remember, look at the connections(lots of names you’ll recognise, like Branson & Cox).

This old one is more Syria, but again, look at those connections.

To be fair @Goatboy, the Chinese government aren’t renowned for their tolerance towards those that don’t tow the party line.

I can think of 100,000 individual reasons why the Chinese government would come down on them like a sack of shit if these terrorists turned up on their doorstep.


Especially as we don’t really know what goes on, we do know the Chinese and Muslims have been fighting a silent war, one doesn’t have to be an expert to know the Chinese army will won, guerilla tactics only work for so long.

If thats in the mainstream media then I’d read that biased shit, I read a bit but realised its unbalanced shit.

What bit did you read and why do you consider it biased or even unbalanced?

Then please explain why any msm that calls the terrorist white helmets the Syrian Civil Defence are not outright liars, that peddle deliberate disinformation to the gullible?

Because you post desperate biased crap.

That’s as weak as your put downs.
You have no answer and are scared to open your eyes.
If it’s desperate and biased, pick it apart.

It’s strange what people will believe, if they are told it by official sources. Who remembers(and believed) the claim that Qaddafi gave soldiers viagra so they rape more. People happily believed that dispite the lack of evidence.
We’re being led to believe the impossible again.

“So let’s recap: it is the British government’s official public position that the extremist jihadist factions who have been holing up in their final stronghold preparing for the long-awaited military confrontation in Idlib would have no incentive whatsoever to stage a false flag chemical attack in order to rally western reinforcements against the Syrian government and thereby escape defeat. Far more likely, in the British government’s estimation, is that the warnings of such an attack are a “smoke screen” to cover for the Syrian government’s plan to perpetrate its own chemical attack in order to accomplish the key strategic goal of suffocating a few dozen children. Oh yeah, and terrorists should be given safe passage to areas where they can safely regroup, because that’s the thing that you do with terrorists now.”

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Hmm. It’s not really what the Chinese military is aiming at, Bazza.

They train their military to face the US.

A good rule of thumb is never believe anything until it’s been officially denied!:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ah but, @Saint-or-sinner, one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist!!

Says @BTripz with a cheeky grin and a wink

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So often true Bob.
You work for the FO by any chance?
If not get your CV in, you’re better than them at this game :laughing: