:netflix::prime_video_logo: Streaming Recommendations

Oh, the bitter irony.

Higher than normal then :joy:

Luckily Mrs C_S is away this weekend and Young Adult#2 is down in the south wing somewhereā€¦

Are you staying at Slowlane Mansions?

No, Cobham Towers. It may not be as salubrious as Slowlane Mansions but weā€™ve plenty of room for the staff to swing a cat or two.


Youā€™re welcome to stay. The lower 40 has been laid to Solar Panels but after all this rain the panels need buff. Accommodation and cleaning cloths provided. :slight_smile:

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Minimum Wage?
Cash in hand?

:astonished: You want WHAT!

A friend was asking

You canā€™t spend groats any more Phil.

Criminal Record Apple + hooked us on Episode 1
It then bumbled along. It could have lost us as it tried to fill 8 episodes.
We knew something was not right and finally in Ep 7 it all comes out but still leaves a cliff hanger as we move to the finale

It has been good Peter Capaldi is superb. One week to know if it was great or too long

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Masters of the Air Episode 5 is pretty grim but gripping. Nothing could give you a true depiction of the reality but well done, even touched on the morality of blanket bombing, albeit fleetingly.


So far, weā€™re up to episode 5 of Monsieur Spade, last one should be available from tomorrow. Really excellent series, and theyā€™re already hinting at a second. Itā€™s difficult to track down in the UK, but itā€™s available from the US link that Phil has, as long as you use a VPN. Itā€™s definitely worth the effort of tracking it down. Great storyline, great acting and beautifully filmed, the birdā€™s been enjoying it as much as I have. Recommended.

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Am also reading the book of the same name - what has been taken for the series is just a small part.

Must have been horrifying to be in one of the crews.

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The same but very different - I enjoy the John Nichol books (The Tornado Pilot shot down in Iraq)
His books were bascially built up from interviews with survivors - Lancaster told the RAF version and again- horrific what they went through.

The was a chap who lived here in North Baddesley who was a Lancaster pilot and ex-OS man too. He passed away about 3 years ago, aged 97. Lucky to have made it out of his early 20s.


Starting Wednesday 21stā€¦Jonathan Banksā€¦need I say moreā€¦ :lou_lol:

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ā€œSand Jobā€ - Top Gear/ Grand Tour thing on Prime

Ok - a couple of laugh out loud moments but not a classic - lots of Mauritanian flags so @Map-of-Mauritania would be happy.

Clarkson deffo too old now. The others catching up.

Funny that there was a car ad at the start that you had to watch but it ended with something along the lines of ā€œā€¦so you can watch ad freeā€

Happy to have ads on Prime if thatā€™s the norm. They just need to actually improve their content which has become shockingly poor of late.


That was their last show.
And they gave it car love & cinematography along eith the scriptef gags and shit.
I found Mauritania facinating and that Islamic library & village being eaten informative
I laughed in places
A fitting farewell
As they said.
What the fuck else could they do with cats at their age.

Isnā€™t there a class action being taken against them in the States? For selling a ā€œpremiumā€ advert-free product, then moving the financial goalposts?

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Thought there was another one already filmed?