🤪 Stir Crazy Antidote #6 - Become a C.U.N.T

I just given Oates our faithful old retainer instructions to complete my C U N T certificate.
I was just a babe when Oates took his “O” Levels…he may be gone some time.

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Watch out

… I am now an even bigger qualified cunt than I was earlier in the day…


Right, what’s next … I mean got the black belt, how do I go about getting the 12th fucking dan?

That was just white belt with brown tab, nothing more

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Sounds like he’s wearing it as a thong. :face_vomiting:


Oh please…

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your wish is my command… which one are you BT?

Unknown-2 Unknown-1

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…dont ask what else I saw when searching for these images… I am slightly shocked…

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And I’m back on whatsapp. First image looked like bear in a jock strap. Message if from Pap. Had corona up until yesterday. Is this what I have woken up to or am I dead in hell trying to connect to BT open zone? Anyone care to summarise?

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Oh… pap is calling me a cunt? Ratings must be down.

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Nah, everyone calls you a cunt for buggering off and leaving us with the miserable Tory :crazy_face:

How you doing, Toke ?

How bad? You fully recovered? Family ok?

Not too bad dad, thanks for asking. Family are fine, in typical style, they got it, quickly recovered from it like it was nothing, gave it to me who then suffers like a weakling. All in all about 7 days. Still got a bit of a cough. Need one of those tests to confirm it was peronivirus and not some practice virus. After that, I can walk the earth like a superhero.

How are you doing? What have I missed on sotonians and why is @pap waking the dead? On first look, it appears he is annoying someone and then saying “not my fault, I’m a cunt but so is tokyo.” Am I miles off?

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In other news I just got a pap badge for @ing pap. Pap is my first @.

Maybe 2020 might be my year after all.


I think 2020 all bets are off. If there is one thing this mess has shown us is that arguing with fellow cunts on the internet and being determined to be the master cunt is of minimal significance.

I know I win hands down so contest over

Glad to hear all is well /better and we do miss your particular brand/s of masterful cuntishness - so why not stay a while and enjoy the scenery ?

Nothing against anyone, me and pap made peace years ago, it’s just there is not much on here for me. I’ve had a look now and again but the threads haven’t changed. There will be a Labour one, a Tory one, one about films with batman, something about films without batman, some people pissed on a Friday and that’s it.

I’d rather have the argument. At least that would get my creative juices flowing. :grinning:

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Well I am More than happy to give you a good working over (verbally of course) but I suspect we might be more frequently offering a too similar POV… maybe we need and poster ‘Grizzleybearsy’ - a sort of unhinged, unfunny white supremacist fuctwit, to spice things up?

Yeah, all good here, son. I have avoided catching a dose so far. It’s only a matter of time I’m sure as I’m still working with little humans that have questionable hygiene practices (no, that’s not @pap).

Sotonians basically stopped the day you left and we’ve been in a sort of socially distant abeyance waiting for you to return. Glad we can start posting again. Who’s up for a drinking thread about Batman?

So, other than immunity, what does this superpower grant you? Do you still have that ability to annoy the fuck out of people?



Thought I’d better brush up on my training again…


Teachers pets.

I’m disgusted with all of you. I don’t even have the degree on display*. And yet, you’re all proudly demonstrating that you’ve achieved basic competence on Sotonians.

* Mostly due to my Uni choice. Who wants to display a degree from the Michael Mouse Former Polytechnic University of Geographically Disparate Faculty Buildings?

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