đŸ€Ș Stir Crazy Antidote #6 - Become a C.U.N.T

Fuck me.

The instruction is to do this

f you’d like to learn more, select below and bookmark this personal message . If you do, there may be a :gift: in your future!

So, @PhilippineSaint, it wants you to press the 
 (ellipsis) and after that press the symbol.

Once you’ve done that, it will give you further instructions.

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I tried to follow Belch’s original instruction, but it won’t let me send the message to discobot.

After due consideration I don’t think I want to become a C.U.N.T. so go fuck yourselves.


It’s certainly not all its cracked up to be

I don’t know what has gone wrong here because anyone that has met you will know that you don’t need a stupid tutorial to prove you’re a C.U.N.T.


I thank you.

I think?


whoosh? twats

Piece of piss


Note how Dave skipped GCSEs end went straight for the PhD.


Always knew you were a special kind of C.U.N.T fowllyds


So how does one become an advanced CUNT
 asking for a friend

I went to state school to get mine and passed without incident :slight_smile:

Thankfully less cunts at the state school I attended

You needed constant tutoring from @saintbletch.

Aye, maybe he’s not as qualified a cunt as others

This is a Christopher Walken moment from Wayne’s World 2, when Wayne is trying to get Walken’s character to say “what”, after Wayne says “a sphincter says what?”.

You want me to say “I’m a cunt”, or “I’m more of a cunt than others”.

Happily and proudly conceded. The way I see it, only @Tokyo-Saint comes close, and I think he’s probably nicer than me.

@saintbletch - Can I have a “Chief C.N.U.T” badge please?

@Map-Of-Tasmania has implicitly seconded me, and I shall wear it with pride.

Feel free to rearrange the letters if you feel the wording is not strong enough.

Me thinks you are overthinking this somewhat, or you think too highly of yourself :wink:

If I want to just call you a cunt, I am always happy to do so, within the established protocols of the forum ‘civilization’ legislation, naturally
 now I am qualified and all

I’m 5’4" you thoughtless cunt.

Everything is “too highly”


@discobot start advanced tutorial

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Right here goes
 I may be some time and I may cause offence to those with sensitive as I scream at the fuckbot you have been warned


The only thin I learnt from the advanced tutorial was using # to link to categories, not sure quite what use that is but it’s there.

For example the #southampton-football-club-1 category is a bit quiet at the moment!!!