:saints: :cash: Southampton up for sale

No its not.

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So, you consider tax evasion as deviant.

And you live in Liverpool.



Falling for stereotypes is beneath you.

That’s exactly what someone like you would say.


Well I wouldn’t resort to calling you an inbred or a bellend using tropes that have no relevance to a discussion.

But you’re happy to describe the club owner as a deviant, on the basis that he evades taxes in another country?

Don’t forget that Gao is also a well known and prolific paedophile

Just in case we are hacked by Chinese secret service or Gao’s hitmen, I’d like to make it clear that I made the paedophile bit up.


He’s not that well known


Yeah but Bazza is and I think if they look back over this thread they’ll soon see who laid the seeds of suspicion. Ooo Baz be afraid…be very afraid. :lou_facepalm_2:


In Noo Yawk that’s a kind of therapy.

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To be clear, and to make our lawyers happy, he’s a tax paedophile.

Sort of a revenuesexual? :thinking:

So just prolific then?


To be fair to @Fatso, I’ve always thought that Gao looks dodgy. I mean, it’s not immediately obvious, but if you study him very carefully, he does look a bit Chinese.

:dizzy_face: Who knew!

We need this bastard out of our club now, if not sooner, he’s a fucking tax pervert!
He’s asset-stripping, as clueless as the players and the manager, the sooner he goes the better - get out, just sell the club you tax-return-nonce! :rage:

What’s that…he’s leaving, he wants out, he’s selling? :sob:
Oh my god, what a frigging disaster!
That’s the worst news possible, the little form-fingerer is selling up…now…with coronavirus everywhere and the markets crashing.
Premier League football has never been this unpopular, the TV revenues are dropping through the floor like shares in Barrymore Pool Parties Ltd.
The selfish bastard is abandoning ship, just when things were coming together.
This really is a disaster, why would he do this to us??
It’s terrible, and just what I expect of his sort, the paper-fiddling tax rapist.
I can’t imagine anything worse.

But give me time and I’ll come up with something…


Correct, as soon as we’re about to post a loss, this predator is doing a runner.
Kat won’t be able to though…