Social Integration is not happening

No I just quote from papers as opposed to a naïve belief, do you want me to quote current religious wrongs in Muslim nations against minorities to prove it or shall I let you assume?

My point was and is Western religious society is far more tolerant than Muslims nations ones, an example is would this acceptance of condolence have been accepted?

You can say you don’t know but I’ll simply refer you to blasphemy laws in Pakistan and Wahhabism in Saudi.

More or less tolerant than the Western religious laws, I have even asked for the most liberal but I’ll do that for you as well, Albania is thought to be by many but that is being undermined by Saudi sponsored Islam.

We were talking about people of different backgrounds comforting each other out of basic humanity when someone is in grief.

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And I said that is great and was Western acceptance of compassion.
I also said would this be reciprocated in Muslims nations?

This thread should be presented at teatime by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman.

As it was a Muslim who provided comfort on this occasion, why not?

I think I was able to decipher most of that - I think.

You don’t need total fact to have a view on something but fucking hell Baz can’t you just stop demonising the muslim world at every opportunity? It’s not even mildly amusing any more…

Why? Personally or on behalf of his religion? If so he wouldn’t need to surely?

What does it matter? You always to bring things back to your agenda. Perhaps it was both? The point is it happened and it showed that the bottom line is that basic humanity is what counts. I know it doesnt stack up with your idea that integration isnt working but once again it shows that people of all different backgrounds can and do pull together.

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Pull together after an act of continued atrocities that are trying to pull us apart due to religious ideology?

FFS, @saintbletch



Fucking hell Barry, i gave you so much to work with and you missed all of it.

Blinkered doesn’t even start to cover it.

What a wally :lou_facepalm_2:

I answered that. You chose to ignore it. What does that say about you?

You didn’t even bother to ask where. Why not? You were supposedly interested.

I’ll assume you looked it up and felt embarrassed, so dropped the subject. I won’t mention it again.

Are you now well oiled SOS?

We can’t assume on here.


It’s all his fault! This thread was being systematically disintegrated, and then Beltch wanders in, casually drops a clear example of Social Integration, and leaves Barry free rein to demonstrate why it’s Not Happening.


There’s none so blind as those who will not see.

As true now as it ever was.

That proverb will allow everyone to take the moral high ground and STFU.

Lock please Admin…we all agree. :lou_lol:

No need to assume Barry. I still feel drunk now.

To beer or not to beer, that is the question. Whether 'Tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous hangover, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them with glass in hand.

Think that’s my day planned then :lou_lol:

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I can’t assume and you can’t make me assume, we only deal in facts, if those facts are agreeable to our agenda we deflect, refute and smear the one who’s has made the statement (usually via mainstream press links).

Just as well i said no need to assume then.

This is what you really want.

Well certain elements of society would have to stop being openly homophobic on account of their culture and religion, France is a very special case concerning religion and state, Western liberalism I suppose, try that in Pakistan or Saudi.