Social Integration is not happening

Oh jeez I see another thread in the making…

“Social Integration is not happening in Australia” :lou_facepalm_2:

I know it isn’t over there ha ha, Broadmeadows in Melbourne, a right shithole.

We’re now on to 75 pages of this shite people


Barry, please start a new thread…or Pap / new Sotonians Soviet close it down…

Sky’s the limit i am srs. When you read that first line, ur just like Hooked Immediately. Write the first chapter, post it on here + I will review!

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Was watching this on my Clarke and Dawe marathon last weekend.

Thought it appropriate for this thread :lou_sunglasses:

this is a heart warming tale of integration

Apparently hijab wearing Barbie is becoming a thing online. You know you have integrated when you get the thumbs up from Barbie!

11 people have now been stabbed to death on London’s streets in the last two weeks. Eleven. Nearly one a day. More proof, if it were needed, that the issue isnt about Muslims and integration, it is about mankind not being able to live peacefully together as a species.

Not wanting to drag this thread up again (I did, that’s why I’m posting this link in it) why is it that for 13 years on the trot the winner of the USA spelling bee is of Indian descent? Have they integrated so well that they can spell better than everyone else or does everyone not give a shit about spelling? Is this evidence of Indians integrating in American society or Americans not integrating with words and education?


Come over here. Reading our books. Stealing our spelling bees.


Maybe it’s because they have to deal with such unwieldy names from an early age.

Subramaniam Mukhopadhyaya has a natural advantage over Bob Smith.

Karthikeyan Raganathan should wipe the floor with Chuck Brown.


I thought he was talking about the “Two Dogs Fucking " and " Geronimo” Indians not the curry flavoured ones.

I love those descriptive native American Indian names. Used to know a bloke we christened Big Fat Johnny Shite Drugs for obvious reasons.

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Whilst I was happy to let this thread die, I was so struck by this reaction from the father of the youngest victim of the Barcelona attack that I had to post it.

A single public action like this can say more than all our community leaders and politicians.

Brought a tear to my eye.


Social integration might also be being held back by those with a vested interest…

Two different issues of the DM that appear to use the same pictures.

One big difference…

The Mail in an anti Muslim stitch up job? Who’d have thought it?


I don’t know how this makes me feel. I don’t know if its good or bad… I just know that I couldn’t do that.

Why not? The Imam didn’t kill anybody.