🗣 :engerland: Should English be spoken in England?

Will watch

Have to say I am a little out of the comfort zone on this trip. The direct bus to resort is 6 hours after a 5 hour wait at the bus station or…

Local train
Bullet train

In 3 hours assuming I get the konichiwa’s and arigato’s the right way round.

This should be epic

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I’ve been party to foreign visitors, mostly relatives from Pakistan or Iran, and I’ve had a lot of Urdu or Farsi spoken around me without really knowing much of what it meant.

Even at that young age, it was perfectly plain why this happened. It was just shitloads easier.

I’ve seen other examples in my life, a small Spanish enclave in Liverpool which tended to stick to its own but was charmed by myself and university co-traveller into letting us hang with them. One of the reasons they were charmed is that because I knew a bit of Spanish. I’d spent a month there that year, in two fortnight long visits.

First visit was just fucking embarrassing. It was a college exchange and none of us knew any Spanish. There was a moment, somewhere on a dusty road between Madrid and Vallodolid, one of my cohort screamed in a bemused shopkeeper’s face “CRISPS! CRISPS! CRISPS!”.

I spent the first visit learning the language out of national shame, two months reading a textbook which seemed disproportionately concerned with donkeys, and a second visit putting that into practice. Actually completed a beyond-GCSE elective module in Uni that year.

The point is that people don’t do shit until they need to do shit.

If we say that you need to speak English in England, is that an entirely bad thing?

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You learnt Spanish in 4 weeks? You’re a little fucking liar.

Also, not everyone has the privilege to be sent abroad to learn the language. Just you and your Eton chums. I bet you fucked some Chorizo out there, didn’t you?

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I don’t understand the question, English is already spoken in England, it’s the dominant language.

@Intiniki can confirm. I think it was eight weeks, but yeah.

He doesn’t understand English! Send him back!

Just imagine.
We couldn’t have signed Pochettino as manager under these new rules…

I bet you’re learning Polish fucking quickly.

Necessity, init.

I do, that’s the problem!

That is an entirely fair call for clarification.

I was going for brevity in the thread title.

Consider it “should every English resident (whether born here or not) be able to speak English?”.

I’ve purposefully not listed the Welsh, Scots etc because they have their own languages that English is already squashing.

Fuck that, cunts that say ‘init or believe a ‘hack’ is a ‘tip’ or shortcut’ can fuck right off.

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“Cunts that says ‘init’”

That’s a good deal of the urban Asian population, init.

Always knew the extent of your wide range of international, symbolic connections you had were more to do with your local coffee shop than reality.

Nice to have it confirmed. :smiley:

Hook line and sinker… sadly you always feel the need to take it a step to far…

Your assumptions are what make you look so foolish… and where you lose credibility.

You’ve seriously never considered (or knew) the demographics of the Knights Who Say Init?

Before you called them all cunts?


“Innit” has two "n"s innit.

As an Urban Asian, I should know this.

No I am not. I am pre brexit. I’m sorted.

Well it’s a simple question with a simple answer; yes people would find it quite useful in their day to day life.
Should it be made a prerequisite for UK Citizenship? Nope…free country innit.


Considering all languages evolve over periods as short a decades to a few hundred years… its a mute point anyway… Shall we insist we go back to ‘Olde Angle Speak’ before Latin, French, Galic, Saxon (teutonic/German) or Norse languages completely changed the ‘English’?

If we cut through the bullshit spouted by the Brexit leaders on immigration, the UK was never a ‘soft touch’, it was simply more attractive to migrant workers because a) most do learn English at school so it helps, b) we have enough ‘English’ businesses willing to exploit migrant workers with sub-minimum wage jobs…

Looking at the Governments new points system, it thank fully at least remains possible to get 70points necessary without speaking English, if the other qualifications are met… as it should be. Language should never be a barrier.

For some people, it is every day.

Let’s stop trading in wishy-washy sentiment and try reality, shall we.

Jeez…You are full of this ambiguous, yet thinly veiled little digs… yet you insist on dealing in ‘‘reality’’ ?

Please, grow up a bit, and recognise that your statement is just wishy washy ’ for some it is every day’ … its equally true on that scale of ‘insight offered’ that for many it is NOT every day and has NOT been a barrier to their success…