Right lads I've calmed down

I wasn’t suggesting NYS was a troll the list is aimed at a more obvious target. :lou_wink_2:

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Umm, that describes virtually everyone here…


The Liebherr’s have done a wonderful job for this club. Kat continued the good work following on from her father’s hobby when she could easily have dumped us. If she thought it was time for her to sell that is her right. Whether she was right to sell to Mr Gao only time will tell, but the fact that she hasnt just taken the money and run speaks volumes. I really cant understand why some people feel it is ok to assume the worst about other people’s motives when they haven’t got a shread of evidence to support their claims. Frankly I think that doffing our caps to the Liebherrs is the least we can do.


ML was pretty straight when he said he had made an ‘investment’ - a modest one he called it and then continued to extend his investment to some 40mil after a good chunk of loan was converted to equity. In addition they in effect underwrote the borrowings that ‘nasty nic’ required to accelerate us to the prem in just 3 years. Now given it was an Investment, it turns out that it was a pretty good one.

The Liebherrs are therefore fully entitled to the profit on that investment.

Anyone who suggests otherwise and expected some sort of charitable donation is either on a wind up or has shit for brains


I haven’t heard “shit for brains” for yonks.

i shall deploy it tomorrow.


Beyond our interest in the performance of the club, what has any of this got to do with us. We have a stake in the business in that we spend money to consume the product, but the club, it’s players contracts and everything to do with it is owned outright by these Chinese guys and, before them, the Liebherrs. They can do whatever they like - they own it. If they want to sell all the first team players and turn St Mary’s into housing, that would be their prerogative. We may not like it, but we can’t do anything about it.

Very true but we could call them all CaaaaNts! :lou_lol:


With plenty of cunts among the fans, they would be heavily out numbered on the cuntometre. Here’s hoping that the cunts are kept within the fan base and occasional players.


Brown shirt.

I haven’t heard yonks for, um, ah, erm, donkey’s years.


Cripes! I haven’ t heard donkeys years for eons.

I shall use it immediately.

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