Got accosted by a rabid Brexit campaigner on my way out of work.
I told him I was a Remainian , managed to piss him off in two ways.
bit pissed off with the reporting 12,000 heads of business and industry stay stay Dyson and some other bloke say leave. For balance they should name all 12,000 who say stay.
I am an innie. Like many there are things about the EU that bother me, but I am more bothered that somehow were are special. We are. Bunch of mongrels that are just as much part of the European DNA as all the other countries. The only thing that makes us “special” is a small strip of water. We call the Germans arrogant but the Leave campaign show what arrogance is. Time we stopped pretending that we are more important than other European nations and started to embrace the union. We are all European. Rant over (and the weather here in Crete is 34c )
Just because people want to curb immigration does not make them rasict. That is another part of this campaign that’s distasteful. The branding of people who have genuine concerns that immigration is out of control, are branded as bigots and racist. Pathetic mud slinging from a Remain camp devoid of ideas and clinging on to the EU dream which should’ve been put out of it’s misery a long time ago.