Posters who have been given an opportunity to spend more time with their family

I thought we had established that there are no rules, until pap thinks of them?

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Whatā€™s worseā€¦being called a peado when youā€™re not a peado or being called a peodo when youā€™re a peado?


Is that out of a cracker?

Where did you buy them?.. :astonished:


BBC canteen?


Iā€™m gonna secretly disasemble a christmas cracker and insert the most horrific, offensive joke I can find. Itā€™ll be like Christmas Russian Roulette! Who will get it, my mum, Uncle Pete from Lowestoft, or maybe one of the young Children? It will be v.excitement!

Itā€™ll be like:

Q. What do you say to a man who creeps into little girlā€™s bedrooms in the middle of the night and empties his sack?

A. Hi, Uncle Pete. How are things at 23 Sycamore Close, Lowestoft?


Can we please settle on how weā€™re spelling the word? Iā€™m too scared to type it until I know for sure whatā€™s the agreed spelling is.

I propose paedoPhil. Itā€™s got to be exactly like that tho, you need both a small p and a big P because Symbolism. And Phil rather than phile because he has been v.quiet on this subject which is Suspicious.

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Lol, Bear.


Perhaps you could also put The Pelle joke in there too.

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sarcasm is the new guesting


Always was my furry friend, always was.

Interesting take, Bear.

One of the things Iā€™ve noticed about running a forum is that the enterprise gets compared to a pub, particularly when someone has acted like a wanker. ā€œItā€™s a pub, innit? People do mad shit down the pubā€.

Bantz is definitely acceptable in a pub. I reckon youā€™d stand a good chance of getting filled in if you called someone a ā€œfucking nonceā€ down the pub.

I lived in Outer Circle for 3 years and didnā€™t hear anything like it.

Mind you, the term ā€œpaedoā€ wouldnā€™t have been used when I was around, but didnā€™t hear nonce either.

The first time I ever heard the term was after a girl from our estate was spirited out of school and her father arrested after years of abuse. Perhaps the humour table is different a couple of miles to the west, but it really wasnā€™t a laughing matter on the Flower Estates.

Being a parent is a profound privilege. Abusing kids is imo, the lowest of the low. They have limited faculties to process the information theyā€™ve been given, and often, fuck all support even if they do speak to somebody.

A week and a bit ago, Bazzaā€™s missus gave birth to a nipper. We all celebrated. Cherts posted something like all trolling aside, well done. Less than a fortnight later, Cherts is calling Bazza a nonce with zero proof. Itā€™s perhaps the worst intentioned post Iā€™ve ever seen on a forum. Even TSWā€™s Hypo, when he made the same baseless charges over there, developed enough insta-shame to go crawling to a mod to remove his disgrace.

It needed sorting out, it was indeed well out of order.

Along with the many responses and posts that led the non-dynamic duo to that disgraceful exchange.

Two of them locked horns, both posted insults, both bored everyone else shitless, both went into the Reichenbach Falls - and one was run over by the forum lifeboat as it rushed to rescue the other, before he even got his shoes wet.


How do you get guested by a nonce looking metler dwarf in the pub?

I take that back.

What I mean is what is the pub equivalent of being guessed in the pub by the friend of a NLMD in the pub?

Originally posted by @pap

One of the things Iā€™ve noticed about running a forum is that the enterprise gets compared to a pub, particularly when someone has acted like a wanker. ā€œItā€™s a pub, innit? People do mad shit down the pubā€.

Bantz is definitely acceptable in a pub. I reckon youā€™d stand a good chance of getting filled in if you called someone a ā€œfucking nonceā€ down the pub.

I wish ppl would stop saying that Chertsey called Barry a paedophile like heā€™s some kind of sociopath. He didnā€™t call him a paedophile. Well he did, thatā€™s exactly what he did, but it wasnā€™t likeā€¦ what point am I trying to make here?

Letā€™s put it this way. No-one who read it would think that Chertsey thought that Barry was a paedophile. Weā€™re better than that. Weā€™re not papā€™s cunt mates from the pub, or whatever heā€™s going on about. It was the normal kind of post that people do when theyā€™re a) joking b) trying to make some wider point or c) looking to get a rise. I wouldnā€™t be offence at all to be on the end of that kind of post. I donā€™t think Barry was either tbh, I think he was keen to grasp an opportunity to win the Higher Ground, which is actually what papā€™s mates are doing when theyā€™re like ā€œDonā€™t you call me a fkn Nonce!ā€.

If someone was going round earnestly trying to persuade people I was paedophile, I suppose I might be offence. You know, if someone was seriously making out like I was on register for downloading child porn, I suppose that would be Quite Bad, but that werenā€™t the case here. It was just escalating tit-for-tat, and as such I think the normal criticism from other posters, which cherts immediately received for stepping over the line, answered the fact.

Papā€™s other concern, that cherts will continue to make a nuisance of himself on the frm by fighting with Barry and calling people paedophiles donā€™t bother me at all. I like the dramas! Iā€™ve spent two solid days on this subject! I mean, this and trolling pap.

Free the Guested 1!


You saying that Pap is twisting what was actually said to be a stubborn knob and get something to fit the actions he has already taken or a stance he has already made?

That doesnā€™t sound likeā€¦ oh no, you are right. As you were.

Oh I dunno, I was just trying a different angle of attack. I think people are too precious about Things in general. Iā€™m reading talk of slander and libels, like you know, all the paedo talk has devalued the Barry Sanchez anonymous avatar brand or something. Seems fkn mental to me.

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Letā€™s face it bear, we all know why he was really banned and it is nothing to do with calling someone something.

well if weā€™re allowed to call each other paedoā€™s now then Iā€™m going to say it every other post. Stick that in your pipe, you kiddy fiddling cumbucket.