:southampton: Our fine city and surrounds - photos

Love this buidling in the sun, not so much the snow. Worked there for about 13 years. Fab art deco building.


Is it Art Deco? I didn’t know that. What’s the history, Intiniki? I love it too.

The building was built in the early 1930s and the Art Deco period was the 20s and 30s so it’s considered art deco. Maybe some of the interior designs show that more than the outside. My parents are archaeologists in Southampton and my dad did a talk on art deco Southampton called “The Civic Centre and other Art Deco buildings in Southampton” last year. Quite a popular talk. There are bits all over Southampton. Quite a few places over in Midanbury area. I’ve spotted an industrial buidling in Shirley.

![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/208196_10150143239311572_1877568_n.jpg?oh=cab1c47a9ea446620b91ba9b2dd79914&oe=55E82BC8& gda =1442932186_85822890bc475b92786585dccdae453a)


From the Sotonians! Facebook page:-

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That might have been the year that one of them landed in the middle of our cricket match in Winchester.

They weren’t made to feel welcome.

When did they pop that roundabout in?

Do not get me started on them, still charging for the bridge… They must have paid for it 100’s of times over! Refuse to use it! Grr.

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Got a bit bored of the work I am doing and thinking about my next trip back to the home town.

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Looking back at some old photos and found the Titanic Engineers’ Memorial before she had a good clean. I quite liked her before hand.


I frequent a large aircooled vw forum and people like to post pictures of their cars…I’m no exception. However I’m not a fan of cars in their owner’s driveways so when I take my car out I take my camera too.

For those of you who’re not into vintage vws, just pretend it’s not there. No need to tell you where this is…


Whilst this is nice looking back I feel its also part of the problem, we should be looking towards the future and pointing the finger at the council for not providing us with any inpspiring buildings, call me grumpy but one building with a bit of wattle and daub is hardly unqiue in this ancient land.

What we do have by the shit load is water so we should build around that like most Cities do, not all of it obviously as the docks are the life blood of the City but unused and decaying bits, another brilliant yet under utilised asset is the parks that run through the city, restaurants, cafes, night time orchestras?

Then the next thing is transport, Southampton FC should be hammering for a rail stop, the City needs it and it would be a great transport asset, a bus station? Not a bus stop please.

Southampton needs something unique and that is Southampton, sell it, build exciting buildings, qwerky that will offend and excite in the same, do something for fucks sake, its dying a slow slow death of boredom.

And don’t get me started on the bridge, how the fuck is that something to be proud of? They still charge, its not high or unqiue, simply a brutalist structure with no character.

I think just about everyone I know thinks the same about the waterfront; a huge under-developed asset. If you took out the sparse industrial useage from the Northam Bridge to Ocean Village you could start the ball rolling. Talk was Leibherrs were planning a site expansion…buy in up the Hanson Wharf and develop it for entertainment/residential with open access to the waterfront.

The Leibherr family have an opportunity to make the City theirs, similar to Victorian philantropists of 150 odd years ago, better than what we have now and it would be good quality.

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The thing is, too much of the water has been given to industry, but I guess thats the trade off for being a working port city. I’ve never been to Felixstowe, but can’t remember hearing of fantastic nights out had there by any of my friends.

I am hoping the redevelopment of the pier proves to be a real success, it could go a long way to shaping the future of the waterfront areas. One day, where now there are multistorey car parks full brand new Range Rovers waiting export to the rest of the world, in time beyond my lifetime I see that whole area becoming southampton’s answer to Manhattan. Reached by a new toll-less Bridge

Designwise if you take out the industrial useage upstream of Ocean Village a replacemnet bridge wouldn’t have to have as much clearance as the current bridge. A lowrise modern suspension bridge would be a much more attractive up-market statement for a redeveloped waterfront.

Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge - Dallas

Something just something is needed, Felixstowe doesn’t have the size and history of Southampton, that said we don’t have much and what we do have we don’t sell that well.

How about Henry V’s Agincourt Experience…the finale of which would be the “French Invitational”…a mass of French tourists subjected to a fusilade of Longbow expertise on Mayflower Park. I’d go. :wink:

I have just ordered Hogarths the gate of Calais and am all excited about the French relatives coming over and having a sideways glance at the masterpiece ha ha!

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @lifeintheslowlane

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Something just something is needed, Felixstowe doesn’t have the size and history of Southampton, that said we don’t have much and what we do have we don’t sell that well.

How about Henry V’s Agincourt Experience…the finale of which would be the “French Invitational”…a mass of French tourists subjected to a fusilade of Longbow expertise on Mayflower Park. I’d go. :wink:

I have just ordered Hogarths the gate of Calais and am all excited about the French relatives coming over and having a sideways glance at the masterpiece ha ha!

I know we’re getting way off topic but I love Hogarth…he’s not only an artistic satirist but a fantastic portrait painter…something magical about his empathy with the sitter.