💸 👼 No white saviours

White Saviours, Black Saviours, Purple Saviours…“Saviours” is Mr. Lammy’s expression, that’s all.
Using celebrities to raise the profile of a cause is the norm, both at home and abroad. Do we now need to not bring a cause to the general public’s notice, just in case it offends someone or someone in their ivory tower thinks it condescending.
Perhaps they should ask the beneficiaries if they find it demeaning.


Ok Barry please educate me.
What is the difference between an independent nation and an independent Principality?

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In my experience it is whether their football team plays with any forwards/mids at all or just 10 at the back and a goalkeeper.

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One is a nation and one is a principality for one, for two the governance.

lets try Finland

Of course, their treatment of the Sami.

Mauritius then lets give that a go.

Human Rights.

Cruelty to fish, the rotters

You’ll be looking indefinitely, the whole World is shite, the UK has improved whilst others have stayed the same of even moved backwards, Afghanistan for example.

possibly what about Luxembourg or Lichtenstein

They speak French in Luxembourg. No good has ever come from that.

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The EU Parliament has offices in Luxembourg, up to you whether you consider that good or evil

Luxembourg inflicted Juncker on the world - they deserve a nuke just for that.

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Tax and nazis.

Worst theme idea for a party ever Barry.


Any more detail to your answers?

It’s Bazza’s Buzz-word Bingo in action Niki donchaknow. :lou_wink_2:

Tax is a bit weak, lets move on to Guyana.