
Promotion - the way I dance.

Promotionally - the way I fib about how good I am at dancing.

Commotion - pap dancing

Optic - The visible sign of nervousness when reading the opening post of a Bazza thread.

Optical - 1/ When an opening post of a thread makes you LOL.

2/ Surgery on your funny bone.

scatologist - someone who studies how shit Pompey are.

Celebrate - Giving famous people scores out of ten, for you know… how much you would enjoy doing stuff to them.

Commission - to ignore a junior chef.

non sequitur - a french shrub that requires no pruning


Bandana - Irish group strongly opposed to the Eurovision Song Contest


Propane - viewpoint of a sadist. Or of a masochist.

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or a physio :lou_wink_2:

Anchor - barely concealed exclamation made while filming The Graduate

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Bombay - what should’ve happened instead of Pearl Harbor

Philadelphia - perfectly natural terror of fucking awful singers

Fowler - Defecating on the pitch that an opposition player trips over.

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Syllogism - Bletch’s display of delight on seeing a very long word.


Comfy - money paid to a prostitute


Bard - poet who’s not allowed into pubs

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Tapestry - source of Spanish food