đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Macron's Yellow Vests

Still going.


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‘Scores have been killed’ - is this a fact or is it a bit of truth stretching? , no idea, but I am sure the actual number would have ben reported accurately by MSM, regardless of the current climate of suspicion nd paranoia regarding such media outlets?

This is the problem with these social media crusades - whilst social media platforms have ‘democratised’ news reporting and enables us all to be armchair reporters and commentators, where is the fact checking, where is source of this ‘scores have been killed’? Nowhere, so it really should not be elevated beyond what it is, some bloke’s opinion

Any truth in the rumour the Yellow vests set the fire in that old wooden french cathedral? Under the guise of repairing it.?

The only one stretching the truth here is yourself with your editorialisaion of a single sentence.

protests where scores have been killed, maimed or brutally beaten by #Macron storm trooper

I appreciate that what you wrote is stretching the truth. The tweet was bang on.

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Some American bloke has already said if it was muslims we’d never find out.

I repeat, what source and how many have been killed, maimed or beaten
 detail adds credibility
 I picked up ‘killed’ as this is obviously the most serious and one would expect numbers and evidence
 and once again you like to ‘defend’ by ignoring the original critique, and jumping in both feet

You misrepresented what was said and yes it’s been documented, even by those that are normally very light on evidence(if you choose to notice). Here’s a guardian piece.

If the numbers in this piece have been reported accurately, it’s a rare exception for the msm(that’s not hard to look up either).

It’s actually very difficult to source up to date casualty figures. I wonder why that is?
I seem to recall that in December there had been 10 deaths and more limbs lost with hundreds of significant injuries.

Point is that even 1 killed is bad enough, but my critique is not about defending Macron, about that we need to be VERY cautious, in using such internet opinion as accurate news - these folks seem to remain content not using accurate sources and then using ‘Sun’ type hyperbole in the headlines.

If we we no longer trust MSM, why do we trust these outlets when they are even less likely to do any in-depth research?

Social media may provide the outlet for independent ‘news’, which is great, but with that comes a responsibility, and we have all seen way too much ‘opinion’ presented as ‘news’ and this is concerning

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Anyone that has followed this, Russiagate, Skripal, Assange, Venezuela, Syria, MH-17, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Corbyn’s antisemitism and multiple others would be a fool to trust the msm and will already have a good idea about the numbers.
You appear to be saying anyone that doesn’t give links to full documentation of everything they say is not to be trusted. I can go along with that, but go back to the msm reporting(any of the above listed) and ask yourself the same question. You’ll find they are far lighter on links and far more reliant on brain dead, group think, opinion pieces.

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Of course, its a matter a trust, and that is point, I don’t trust these ‘independents,’ the Twitter generation, any more than I do MSM, and my concern is, many seem to be believing them as truth. Trump has turned it into an art form, because he knows he never has ti be convincing to everyone, just enough who don’t question/believe to see him in place.

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So find places that publish truth(with links). It’s not hard, start with Wikileaks, but don’t trust the msm(a few examples why listed above).
Remember Trump only gets away with shouting “fake news” because the msm give him all the evidence required.

The Yellow Vests and their supporters must be watching the ongoing events re the NDC with mounting bemusement, not to say anger. In 12 hours, billions pledged to restore a church, while they are being gassed, shot at and beaten up for having the temerity to demonstrate against Austerity.One billionaire pledging 100 billion, immediately followed by another billionaire saying,“I’ll see your 100 million and raise you 200 million”. Branson will be holed up with his media advisors plotting his strategy as we speak! Wall to wall media coverage for the best part of 24 hours, “The Pope and Queen Elizabeth lead the world’s outpouring of grief” was one hysterical headline, and that was in a broadsheet. It’s almost as if they are trying to create another ‘Diana moment’. An admittedly very beautiful and historic building was badly damaged in a fire, that’s it. Get a fucking grip! The owners of this historic building, as an organization are worth countless billions, a goodly proportion of it from ill gotten gains. Let them pay for it’s restoration. Look upon it as penance and retribution for the horrors inflicted on thousands of kids by sadistic and paedophile priests and nuns over the years.


For the people of Yemen?

All seems to be fizzling out right?