Life rules

That depends on whether it is a MMF or a FMF :wink:

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Come on, this post deserved some sort of reaction didn’t it??

Well, there is a nice symmetry if Bear calls his wife to be Goldilocks.


Not exactly, more like if you earn £20 but your expenses are £22, tighten your belt. Do not borrow that extra £2 or you will still earn £20 next month but your expenses will be £24 and you might end up on Can’t pay we’ll take it away.

Although two people who were on that show without giving their permission were given £10,000 each in compensation yesterday.

Here’s the story, thus proving your plan/life rule incorrect.

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I stand corrected. Go for it bear!

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Never blow in a hole.

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Never ever believe the IT department

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Try turning it off and on again CB.


My Life Rules:

  1. Put Mrs Stickman and my two sons first.
  2. Try to find the humour in every situation.
  3. Never take myself or anyone else too seriously.
  4. Remember that everyone is a product of their unique genetic inheritance and unique life experiences; therefore, they will often see things differently to me.
  5. Steer clear of the fucking Brexit thread.

You’re missing out, there are some great puns on there today.


I can’t think of any life rules to post up that wouldn’t make me sound shallow and self-interested, so i shall not post any. I seem to have gone the other way to what Bear suggests, in that i think i may have been a decent, kind and compassionate human when i was young, but now i’m older, i’m a right cunt and really only give a fuck about myself. Sorry.


Oi, and I’ve been nothing but nice to you…

Upvoted not because I agree but because it made me think.


Actually, you should try doing a google image search of “blowing in a hole”, very nice…

Well, @gavstar , I spent 10 minutes looking and was very disappointed not to see any.

… and then I realised that you hadn’t actually said nuns after all. :lou_sad:



Never drink more than two Old Fashioneds in one sitting :lou_sad:

Has anyone heard from the @bearsy since this weekend’s fun?

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Is he not lost in Cologne or Prague a bear in the black forest could have been shot ?