đŸ‡źđŸ‡± Israel

Top Trump trolling.



I bet the Russians influenced them to say that.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap.


Hope the evil cunt rots in jail and talking of cunts, this cunt is probably on twitter now defending him.

She claims as overwhelming evidence the amount of articles(opinion pieces) written and people believe she is intelligent.
No facts, just repetition.
Welcome to the new way of doing things :lou_facepalm_2:

She is getting a lot of stick over this, understandably so when you see the real photo of Corbyn being arrested, which she photoshopped over with her vile lies. Who is the racist now?

They should take her to court. That’s clearly some tit based libel.


I could say I am speechless at Ms Riley’s t-shirt but my partner would disagree with that statement. I just cannot articulate it all well.

I’ve got three consonants and a vowel for Riley.

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Yet another Israeli investigation that will never happen. :rage:

Pathetic attempt to deflect attention when both Trump and Netanyahu face court cases at home. A “solution” concocted between the US and Israel without any input from the Palestinians
totally worthless.


Couldn’t agree more John .

I watched the press conference to announce the peace deal between two nations brokered by a third.

Only problem was that only two people spoke and one was the broker. It’s a stitch up that legitimises Israel’s grab for land without any need to ‘broker’ or negotiate anything.

A shameful sham.


I still maintain that if you want to look at foreign influence in the US, you need to look at Tel Aviv, not Moscow for your benefactors.

Netanyahu’s regime has had near uncritical support from Trump, US recognition of Jerusalem as an embassy city and now, any Palestinian route to statehood predicated on the acceptance of illegal settlements in the West Bank.


Norman Finkelstein has some very strong views on this, but by his reckoning, it is something that the pro-Israel lobby has done since the 1970s; it wasn’t something that was really in the public consciousness before then.

The modern state of Israel does not have a pretty history. It was founded by a terrorism that seems to have become an indelible stain on the modern Israeli. I feel very sorry for children that are brought up in that regime, given distorted origin stories and get it drilled into them that the rest of the world is antisemitic and is out for their blood. That the very existence of their state is in constant peril.

It fosters a lot of extremist views, and Israel’s particular form of democracy means that the likes of Netanyahu can pack his party with cronies of his own choosing, many of whom make him look reasonable.

The thing Israel gets most upset is being compared to those who perpetrated the holocaust, yet it practices collective punishment, has goals of territorial conquest through the use of force, proudly conducts the politics of assassination, intimindation and somewhat less openly, indoctrination. It is in violation of multiple international laws on repeated occasions.

The last decade has seen a sea change in coverage of this issue. All the Labour leadership candidates have signed up to the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which effectively bars a good deal of the criticism that any politician should be able to make of another state.

I am really not hopeful for the Palestinians. I think that if things continue as they are, there will be no Palestinians in Palestine in a century, maybe less, and the saddest thing of all is that the world will largely ignore it for fear of being called an anti-semite.


Generally agree with you, but this paragraph misses everything that’s been going on outside the western msm view.

The Palestinians will certainly suffer and hard with more and more of their/our children(what child do you ignore? All ours?) dying, as it will always be their land, until no one is in that land. It’s a concept that eludes people in false democracies.

The bulk of the world isn’t made up of the brain dead, over indulged, parasitic non entities, that deny their passive racism and murder on an industrial scale to possess more of nothing.
That’s soon going to be shock for a lot of people of a certain pigmentation.

The illegal terrorist settlement known as israel will fall.
Strangely, despite how they’re painted in the false news media, the real people of that land will be forgiving and ask for a single secular state.

The die has already been cast and poetically, guess who set it all in motion?

The rest of the world doesn’t really matter as long as you have five countries with the ability to veto any UN resolution.


The UN is accepted as finished(even from those that thought it ever started).

The power of big spending is obsolete. The understanding of energy in warfare has changed hugely, as has the understanding of precision(we’re woefully behind, hence the retaliation of the weak. Hiding the signal of a certain Ukrainian passenger plane(if you remember seeing that before, you understand who)).
Might seem slightly of topic, but it isn’t. How did the western media report the latest events in Iraq(assuming they did report it)?

The rest of the world is sick to death of being beaten and raped. It won’t stop with Iraq.

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Doesn’t work. Been taken down?