Is Britain A Racist Country?

To be honest, they have found a genius way of dealing with social and political problems. They just tell everybody they don’t exist and voila, no more problem.
I’m amazed no one has thought of this before.

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It’s dangerous because it seems we’re systematically losing the release valves that free countries are supposed to offer.

UK Parliament is effectively becoming a one-horse race, with the incumbent leadership of the Labour Party kowtowing to most Tory policy yet having no real inkling of how he gets the Red Wall back, let alone all those seats north of the border lost because of Iraq.

New anti-protest laws ostensibly close off another release valve, the right to protest and speak about things not on the official agenda, basically the mover of all genuine progress over the centuries.

Voting is basically redundant. Protest is outlawed, and let’s not pretend for a second that this is a result of Brexit. The Spanish were smacking the Catalans pretty good, as did Macron’s stormtroopers during the gilet jaunes thing.

What release valves are left?

I get the feeling that you’ll find the release valves turn into riots in the summer IF lockdown doesn’t end.

That’s very much the worry.

Then more crackdown.

Rinse and repeat until something truly breaks.

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That’s hypothetical, and very unlikely to happen. But if it did, my guess is that people would simply start ignoring the rules, as opposed to rioting in protest.

Which an increasing number of people seem to be doing anyway

We know Poland is in trouble with the 3rd wave.
We understand and are following rules, but we are in a village. 30 somethings living alone are going nuts.
We saw a court state lockdown was unconstitutional so some restaurants clubs & bars reopened causing the 3rd wave to accelerate.
We see the local air force base flying low level carrying Covid victims from Wroclaw to Krakow because they have no spare ICU beds.

And the vaccine roll out is still so slow.

Parliament are now debating the only way to enforce total lockdown is to suspend the Constitution- that means declaring war & Martial Law.
It is that serious.

And the City Dwellers here won’t take it.
Nor I expect will they in UK and most likely Paris


Well, I suppose it’s in the spirit of the D of E.

So it would seem judging by this

Arguably these days most people are common decent people or at least realise there are issues they need to confront but boy do we have a lot of people who should know better by now :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

TBF you wouldn’t have German fans abusing English players because England lost the final.

However it still stuns me that people think it’s an acceptable thing to do.

I was a bit distracted… I am only human after all

Yes, let’s judge the world according to Twitter and just ignore any lived experience.

You are being a little disingenuous there Pap… its pretty obvious that the relative anonymity of social media has meant there is an outlet for folks opinions that they would rarely show in public.

Other countries, especially in the former ‘Eastern bloc’ have horrendous issues with racism and nationalism, but irrespective of that, we need to look at our situation. The fact we have many sadly younger people using social media in this way is concerning, no matter what your ‘lived experience’ might be.

Nah I’m not. I’m being realistic.

No-one treats people the way they do on social media the way they do in real life.

If you want to have a serious chat about the effect that anonymity has on inhibition that’s one thing, but as the last five years have shown (where you’d believe Remain was inevitable based off Twitter) social media is not a yardstick for society.

It’s an amplifier for the few twats within it.

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I wasn’t judging, just putting what was in front of me out there.

I see social media daily carrying thinly veiled racism under the guise of virtue signalling.
A perfect example is “House homeless veterans before ANY immigrant”
Such a simple, brainless meme that is far too complex and fraught to challenge and engage in any sensible debate on social media. It gets endless support. :lou_facepalm_2:


Novara covered this nicely.