Is Britain A Racist Country?

You can’t tell who that mutant is abusing, its a photo of a mutant with his fingers up at someone, who? Lets keep it real here.

There are racists in the UK of course, there are racists everywhere, there are also in my experience more racists elsewhere and use the guise of religion and culture to pursue it.
The UK is one of the most progressive nations on the planet, a long way to go but still better than 99% on the planet.
Liberals and nation haters hate this response but can’t deny it.

What d’ya call it, Anti-semitism! What d’ya call it, racist!

Fucking hell Wiley.

I’d never heard of Wiley until yesterday.

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Only gammon WASP’s can be racist and punished for being so…

This Wiley chap has been dropped by his label

If it were a gammon he’d be dropped from a cliff.

And will Wiley forever be known as a racist or anti semite?

He is now more famous for being an anti semite than this music

Well that isn’t hard as his music is shite.

In fact I’m more famous for my music than Wiley is for his and I can’t play the triangle.

You’re just jumping on the cancel culture bandwagon. I bet you loved his music before all this.


You’ve been given a MBE for services to twattery

No not yet, has he?

Always at the front dancing to flossy strop.

Status Quo he isn’t.

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So the report which landed yesterday on racial disparity in the UK appears to have upset just about everybody. This morning two experts named as “stakeholders” in the report have hit out at claims they provided evidence, with one, S I Martin, an author who specialises in the field of black British history and literature, who is named in the report, saying he was never even consulted! A second academic, Stephen Bourne, a historian of black Britain says he feels ‘manipulated’ at his name appearing in the report as being consulted by the Commission. There is particular criticism of one of the most contentious passages which tries to put a positive spin on slavery, arguing that a “new story” needs to be told about the slave trade, which would highlight the cultural transformation of African people by the trade, and the slave period not only being about profit and suffering, and this should be taught in schools as part of the curriculum. Unbelievable, but not surprising at all. Coming from this government, with a Prime Minister who is a known racist, would anyone expect anything other than a whitewash? The Institute of Race Relations summed it up, “The report fits neatly with the government’s attempts, post Brexit, to portray the British nation as a beacon of good race relations and a diversity model, in the report’s words, for ‘white majority countries’ across the globe”. What abject nonsense.

This morning, in the wake of this report claiming institutional racism doesn’t exist, Samuel Kasumu, the Prime Minister’s most senior black advisor has announced his resignation. I doubt if he will be the last.


It’s a really poor show and follows a pattern of major inquiries discovering that there is “no problem at all”.

I’ve gotten into shit on here before because I’ve stated Britain is the least racist place I know. Mileage varies with individuals, but generally, the public have gotten a lot cooler about race and integration in the last 40 years. Social attitudes surveys show this.

“Least racist” doesn’t mean “not racist at all”. Every society suffers with it to an extent, so it’s disappointing to see yet more time and money wasted on a “there’s nothing to see here” report when with a bit of nuance, it could have led to more surgical scrutiny and better outcomes.

As @Nottarf-Krap says, few will be pleased with this.

Hope they have a fucking BIG carpet in Downing street, given the amount of stuff they want to neatly sweep under it…