If she is in danger we need to help her and her family now

How backward is this?

For a given value of backward, very.

Backward and very, very scary…

Not scary at all. Don’t judge other societies by the values of your own.

No scarier than the total disrespect and disregard for womens’ rights rapes and deaths and deaths by stoning in India over the years.

Just takes other societies time to become aware.

It is not scary, nor is it right under Pakistan Law. The same “rules of unfounded accusation” exist in numerous Nations. The reactions they incur vary but then not all those Nations receive Aid money from the UK.

It is not scary. It is however extremely unfortunate that she allowed herself to get into that situation/argument in the first place.

Someone tried to run me down because I was white this summer. That was scary

Hawaiian Tropic hit squad?

TBH, I think the point Barry is making in his more lucid moments is that you CAN and SHOULD judge other societies and cultures not by your own standards, but by those that are most highly evolved moral and ethical ones - Probably easier to deal with say Human rights than religion as an example, as no one I think would suggest its right to ‘disappear’ your own citizens due to political opinion etc…

So we can judge.

BUT where I and Barry’s representative on here disagree is in how you can be most effective in changing mindset and having the aspiration to bring about change.

Greenpeace may have ‘attacked’ Whaling ships in small dingy’s’ in a direct action, but it was more about generating awareness and public interest to bring about political pressure for longer term goals…

Barry believes no one wants to confront the issues for fear of offending folks, advocating you need to offend to get heard… but I am merely suggesting that this just entrenches the often bigoted and outdated views… Effective change is driven by trusted advice. To get that level of trust needs empathy, understanding and rational debate.

You only have to look at how ridiculous the EDL and BNP look when asking questions on cultural integration and immigration - ridiculous and ignorant notions of Britishness and slinging about offensive language - no one takes them seriously apart from a few fucktards… yet the subjects are fair discussion points if treated with respect and not laced with more sinister undertones

Is Bazza suggesting some sort of Sotonians Dirty Dozen style rescue mission?

We’d send in SOS to butter them up and while he is talking about the finer points we’ll slip in and bring her to a more progressive life.

Barry, if you truly do care that much about humanity, go and volunteer. There are all sorts of organisations at home that could do with a committed advocate, from homeless shelters to foodbanks to political lobbies.

I am sure I am not alone in suspecting that you actually don’t give a fuck about this woman beyond the fact she’s an avenue for you to have a go at the Muslims.

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How do you know I don’t?

Do you?

Only when it’s Islam bad, Christian good.
Nice that he wants to bring her whole family over and look after them. It’ll be the Palestinians next. Liverpool will be the new multicultural centre of the world and 48% of the population will be called Sanchez.

Do I bollocks but Pap didn’t know that, I give via D/D to amnesty intl and the RSPCA every month, have done for 10 years.

I don’t know whether either are good or bad but Islam dislikes gays, women rights and human rights more by and large.
Most of the West isn’t Christian anymore SOS, surely you know most have moved on from that shite?

Most have, but not all.
How’s church?

Wouldn’t have a clue.

There are probably also quite a few more people here who could do with a bit of help.

I knew that homosexuality wasn’t really tolerated here but this surprised me.

The politicians and enforcers are probably all latent homosexuals in denial…

These are people who we should be taking in, people who have a genuine threat against their lives, economic migrants who choose to come here illegally should be well down the list.

Isn’t that what Merkel did with the Syrian refugees, Barrington?

Are you proposing that the United Kingdom does the same?

You’ve been fairly critical of that stance when it was her stance. You called it a vanity project.
I am having trouble reconciling the rather obvious contradiction.

No Pappington, she or Germany needed 600,000 people to fill jobs, she cynically used the war as an excuse.
I’ve always said we should take in gays when they’re lives are in danger and their families, off you trot to have a look son.