Back to the OP. The world moved mountains to save Malulah. A Muslim kid who had been shot for her belief in education - so life threatened by extremists.
She went on to win a Nobel prize.
Wonder if it would do the same for a persecuted Christian who was unwise enough to get into an argument.
Somehow I doubt it because the cynic in me doesn’t imagine the story is as news worthy.
Tbh this is not an issue for us as much as one for Imran Khan. In such a factionalized nuclear power he has such a fine line to tread. At least in Indian the reaction to attacks on women has been major changes in human rights laws more protection for women and LGBT.
It is time for Imran to stand up, but Pakistani politics means he daren’t
The protesters are (mostly) under the military’s thumb. Given Imran is more in their pocket than Sharif was I imagine this won’t last that long. I’m surprised she’s still there, the rumours were always that an EU member state would immediately offer her asylum if her death penalty was overturned.
I’m pretty sure I read that she said she and her family would have to leave Pakistan
I would as well if in that position tbh.
For her safety an obvious solution.
But the core intolerance/law/extremism remains and does need affirmative action.
Islam respects other religions and Syria as an example was secular.
Pakistan has churches I’ve been to one in Karachi and their food bank for addicts.
Geo-politics polarisation war on terror are reducing respect and tolerance.
That is the thing that needs reversing