šŸ’‰ šŸ˜· šŸ’Š Health - Yours or Others. If You Want to Talk About It

When I told the doctor I had a limp, he prescribed my Viagra. Iā€™ve been taking it for seven years now, and I still canā€™t walk properly. :rage::rage:

Reminds me of a true story that I read about in the memoirs of Fred Trueman, regarding a Yorkshire cricketer called Charlie Harris. Charlie once dived to take a catch and rolled around in agony claiming he had broken a bone. It was in fact a dislocation and he was taken to hospital for a precautionary X-ray. When he was told it was a minor injury and that the dislocation was to be put back into position, he enquired nervously, ā€œWill it hurt?ā€ ā€œNot muchā€ he was told, and the sleeve was rolled up ready for the simple procedure. The nurse gave him a rolled up towel and he clenched it between his teeth as his collarbone was put back - and he screamed the place down. A senior nurse, who was, as it happened, an ardent Yorkshire supporter reproached him severely. ā€œDear me Mr Harris , thereā€™s a nineteen year old girl just down the corridor who gave birth to twins this morningā€, she told him, ā€œand she didnā€™t make half as much noise as youā€. ā€œAyeā€, replied Charlie, ā€œbut just you try putting em back!ā€

So. After 4 weeks of silence, Brother in Law phoned Mrs P_F last Tuesday to say that ā€œthey had slmost listā€ my Sister over the weekend.
You may recall she gad cancer of the oesophagus and it spread.
They operated on a tumour on her brain then we heard nothing during the time pre op when maybe i coukd have got home. Tirned out the crash was due to Calcium levels going crazy.
He didnā€™t call me.
Until today.
Sis is very poorly, the hole in her brain filled with a liquid, causing pressure causing her to not be home. They ran more scans, it has spread to her Liver.
Docs say maybe a week or so.
And Iā€™m here, Iā€™m not getting out for at least 2 maybe 4 weeks.

I cannot sit for more than 10 minutes atm anyway even if i was allowed to go.

Thatā€™s all kind of shit really.

Doc has just been round.
Based on my Physio status, today all 19 stitches are due to come out.
20 days after surgery.
Equally, i have a discharge date - when they believe i will be fit enough to go home.
2nd July.

That will make it a total of 6 weeks in hospital

I will be going home on 4th july after 5 weeks in a Betty Ford clinic and as I have to have a medical on the 10th still no beer until after then

Well, I had a fun packed evening. My mother managed to wreck her toes on a trip out on her powerchair yesterday afternoon, and didnā€™t bother to tell me until 6 oā€™clock. So I called 111 and described the gory details, they told me to take her to the urgent treatment centre at the RSH. Several hours there resulted in me then having to take her to A and E at the General, who finally decided at 1am to keep her in. We got to the General after 10pm, Iā€™d had nothing to eat and all the eateries were closed, even Smiths. :rage::rage:


She got seen in A&E in ONLY 3 hours?
Fucking hell, who did you have to bribe for that you lucky sod?

I played the ā€œsheā€™s 83 and disabledā€ card. :+1::+1::grin:

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The secret is to wrap your hand in a tea-towel and drip blood on the floor. I was seen in an hour. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The bandages my sister put on her were in fact dripping blood. :+1::+1:

Went to see MSK people today, eventually after 5+ years of whinging.

Turns out I have a C6 nerve deterioration.

Add that to my ongoing gout, my ruptured/torn Achilles, my damaged left rotator cuff etc. etc. and I am a model of health

Is that the one connected to your big toe? - if so, no more gout

No, all the way down my right arm, strangely where I had the gout attack originallyā€¦

Iā€™ve had that in my left arm and hand for 30 years. I had to give up footie because I couldnā€™t head the ball which ainā€™t good for a CF.
It got worse in 2009 when I drove my Split Screen Bus to a show near Frankfurt. The posture for driving a Split Screen Bus, if youā€™re over 6ft, is hunched over the steering wheel.
After that I got severe pain in my left forearm and two numb fingers. The forearm pain went after about 3 months but I still have the two numbish fingers.
Donā€™t worry, youā€™ll learn to live with it.

If you want the name of a good spinal surgeon let me know.

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Just need physio and maybe some chiropracticā€¦

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Update. Sheā€™s on the mend, out with her friends yesterdayā€¦

Surgery was 4 weeks ago today.
In terms of recovery, i can now bend the leg about 100 degrees and can lift it on/off the bed unaided. More importantly i can now sit in a chair at a table for 23 minutes. Pretty huge compared even a week ago.
But muscle mass reduction and recovery where they cut is not good, i still have an area of rock solid tendon on the outside of the knee. While walking the knee sometimes doesnt lock, so i have to be careful.
Physio knows all tjis and is targetting stability exercises and deep tissue massage. Tbh improvements are huge.
But all of this keeps up the pain levels.
Last night the new exercises brought on almost moving reactions of muscle cramps and burns - so bad i I couldnā€™t watch all the France game.

I can see this is already close to where i was pre-op. 2 more weeks here including Laser Scar treatment then an apartment full of Temuā€™s finest Physio kit should see me right.

Food is still shit, but friends from Malta are coming to see me tomorrow- they have Sausage Rolls!

Jury is out on whether I would recommend having this Op unless you were crippled.

Today will be the 28th Blood Thinners injection into my stomach. It looks as bruised & battered as Mbappeā€™s nose

I know the feeling. My little pinkie still looks like a cocktail sausageā€¦no Iā€™ve told you before, not that little pinkie. :lou_facepalm_2:

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A very big moment today

Yep, Nordic Hiking Sticks have replaced the Crutches.

I managed 142m with them. And I am broken! 1st time my full weight has been on that leg in 5 weeks!

I still have a portion of the knee where the tendon is rock hard, while able to walk that numb area is restricting like a band across the knee.
Still some way to go.

Managed 28 minutes in the chair sitting watching football last night - time is going up, but likelihood of being able to fly back for Sisters Funeral is slim.

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