Should have prayed for an on time start delayed 2 hours so far and last load of fluids going in on IV became a race to if it finished before they started coming out again.
24 hours since i ate or drank.
I will fade awau to nothing at yhis rate in about 6 weeks
You know those medical dramas where you cant watch the surgeons.
Imagine laser scalpel making smoke, hammer n chisel, black n decker drill. Lots of blood.
Yeah didnt need a video I watched it all reflected off the ceiling. No knockout!
How nice.
Anyway lots of delays started at 2030 done 2145. Docs say all good
I am wonky epidural & femoral nerve pain blockers meds start later.
But got through. Hard work starts tomorrow
When everyone asks how I am "he can still see hear and feel them hitting a chisel with a hammer on my bone. It felt no pain but felt the pressure and leg move while one held the leg. And also it will take some time to recover from watching them cut the ligaments and tendons with gardening secateurs
At least the electric drill was battery powered
And fvck me that hurt last night. Knee flat, bent, on my dide with the special pillow, all just hurt.
Obviously I’m in the era when nobody wants to give you Opiates.
I need fvcking Morphine
I have an ice pack until Doctor does his rounds in an hour
So started the day at 6am ish with a Chocolate Croissant Mrs P_F brought yday and a can of Red Bull. Got proper meds and a skeeping pill - out cold for 8 hours woo hoo!
Yday i really struggled, today at the start with the lwg bend machine i could only take 50 which we ran for 40 minutes and then pushed it to 70. Seems trivial but 70 is the bend tou need to be let out!
Phsio got me up and down a flight of stairs and some Quad muscle flexs to do. All tiny, all hurt but each day is a step foward.
Normally they di discharge of patients after 2pm we have asked for early check out so can be at the rehab hospital by 10am.
Only then will i know if i have any chance to follow/watch the game Sunday!
Lunch was edible. Successfully cremated Pork Shoulder mash red cabbage & gravy.
I could fart for England here atm, but anything else is just a dresm!
My phone is conflicted
Bought in UAE
Cannot change my google account location to Poland.
So cannot download any Polish apps like Lidl or BP Petrol…
It then simply ignores spell check suggestions i have to hit the suggestion manually.
Assuming my decliningveyesight seed it.
Hopefully will be on laptop from tomorrow that works properly