💉 😷 💊 Health - Yours or Others. If You Want to Talk About It

Make a mark on the leg you want done :+1:

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That happened to a good mate of mine back in the 80’s before keyholevsurgery.
Woke up.
Wrong knee done…

O shall oversee the shaving before they paralyze me with the needle on the spine

I hope you are referring to hairy knees :upside_down_face:

Luckily yes.
Was worried and asked the docs. For my Tumour Op the beard had to go so the oxygen mask would fit.
Not for this one however. Did have a wtf moment and was assured i would be out cold but different meds!

I am checked in. Having breakfast of white bread sour cherry jam and something white not cream or cream cheese or yoghurt but at least food & made a coffee.
Everyone very nice & helpful. Blood test done crutch walking lesson done v shakily need to do an hour of it and have a shower today
Anna trying to find a way home probably bus to Krakow.
Tomorrow pack and move to ICU/Post Op room more crutches work and shower.
Friday need to check out early as yes am going straight to Kszeszowice rehab need to be there by 8am but need to find own transport to get there.
Mrs P_F now looking for a lift Friday and where to catch the minibus to Krakow from

Guy just taught me how to lay on my side post op with pillow between legs. And google translate! No cross legs or squats!

So. In Hospital for Sunday. Sigh



I will spend 5 days here in Olkuzs Hospital then a MINIMUM of 3 weeks, maximun of SIX WEEKS in the rehab hospital

Mrs P_F already planning the parties/nights out


white stuff = kefir?

I take some every morning, bought from the local Polish shop

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Let us know when and where.

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This is currently home

It used to be just a traffic jam on the wayto Katowice Airport for me. It may well have once been the New Hospital. But the balconyvat the end of the corridor has DO NOT STAND HERE signs and UWAGA/DANGER

Orthopaedic ward is on 4th floor 2nd building. I look out the back from that snap.

Very village. Lovely crew all fluent in Google Translate. Knee Doc speaks good English. Real village - everyone smokes in the toilet or on the stairs!

I feel like a pin cushion already, the bed is Rock hard, llunch was edible once i drownedit in salt

Beetroot Borscht followed by Pork neck Buckwheat & Sauerkraut

Looks awful but aint ggetting anything else.
No Uber Eats out here!

Jeez I could tell you graphically what that looks like to me, but in fairness your system is probably still digesting it. :lou_facepalm_2:

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fucking hell - thats one way to encourage the bed blockers to leave

I would be claiming to be gluten free real quick

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Dont have them here. The locals have different levels of places.
EG im getting moved into a hospital for up to 6 weeks.
MiL is getting sent to a hospital/spa by the sea…
They have services here, not costs to cut.
Its a very old fashioned philosophy but serms to work but ill probably reserve judgement until the pain meds kick in tomorrow

I’ve been here 21 hours 3 blood tests, 2 x 500ml of IV isotonic plasma and i have shaved my knee.
I am not saying i am bored (or stressed) of waitinghungry/thirsty but I’m actually reading LinkedIn notifications having deleted 7 years of junk emails to my never used gmail account…

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So your time has been put to good use then :wink:

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Can offer you something to read if you get bored

I have books and suduko and netflux.
Its more attrntion span atm i have no idea whats going on only 2 staff on ward speak English so i have all my antenna tumed to surroundings
Mrs P_F going mad stuck at home but she couldnt have stayed all day

There you are @Polski_Filip the offer of a digital book from our resident author (digitally inscribed too no doubt)…your problems are over. :+1:


My poundland rrading glasses are killing me atm!


A Priest just came in and blessed me.
What did Mrs P_F NOT tell me.
Schefuled to go in 26 minutes
Not stressed
Not stressed

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