💉 😷 💊 Health - Yours or Others. If You Want to Talk About It

Are you familiar with the phrase “too much information”? Because that’s exactly what it was invented for. :joy::joy:

They obviously trying to get the last bus home and were cutting it fine


Did @BTripz teach you that then?

Either that, or she was trying to find his wallet.

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Asian female finger nails.

That post is gonna give me nightmares for months

Well, I’ve just had me gastroscopy. Opted for the sedation this time, definitely makes it less unpleasant. :+1::+1:


Big moment last night.

First time no pain meds since knee replacement

Got through to 6am and needed a Paracetamol so still a big moment


Well, that’s it lads. I’m fucked. :cry::frowning:

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Do you want flowers or a donation to your charridee of choice?

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What’s that? You’re mumbling.

Use your ear-trumpet gramps
