:geek: Create your own emoji

Hopefully this will work


It really needs to be VERY plain. Otherwise it just ends up like this…


That might work…


So to get this you type : followed by finger followed

1 Like


1 Like

That works for me

Thanks y’all :finger:


Can you make the background transparent?

Jut tell people to fuck off… no need for those pesky emoji shit


In preparation for the new season we’ve got three new emojis…

Code Emoji
:astonvillafc: :astonvillafc:
:norwichcityfc: :norwichcityfc:
:sheffieldunitedfc: :sheffieldunitedfc:

The full list of Sotonians emojis is shown below

Code Emoji
:2019: :2019:
:arsenalfc: :arsenalfc:
:astonvillafc: :astonvillafc:
:bbc: :bbc:
:benali: :benali:
:bletch: :bletch:
:borussiamonchengladbach: :borussiamonchengladbach:
:bournemouthfc: :bournemouthfc:
:brexit: :brexit:
:brightonfc: :brightonfc:
:burnleyfc: :burnleyfc:
:captain: :captain:
:cardiffcityfc: :cardiffcityfc:
:cash: :cash:
:celtavigo: :celtavigo:
:chelseafc: :chelseafc:
:churchill: :churchill:
:cockwomble: :cockwomble:
:crumpet: :crumpet:
:crystalpalacefc: :crystalpalacefc:
:darkside: :darkside:
:derbyfc: :derbyfc:
:dijonfco: :dijonfco:
:discourse: :discourse:
:dolby: :dolby:
:engerland: :engerland:
:eu: :eu:
:evertonfc: :evertonfc:
:facup: :facup:
:fifa: :fifa:
:finger: :finger:
:fulhamfc: :fulhamfc:
:geek: :geek:
:got: :got:
:gov: :gov:
:halo: :halo:
:hccc: :hccc:
:huddersfieldtownfc: :huddersfieldtownfc:
:innocent: :innocent:
:kneejerk: :kneejerk:
:labour: :labour:
:leicesterfc: :leicesterfc:
:liverpoolfc: :liverpoolfc:
:lou_angry: :lou_angry:
:lou_eyes_to_sky: :lou_eyes_to_sky:
:lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2:
:lou_is_a_flirt: :lou_is_a_flirt:
:lou_lol: :lou_lol:
:lou_sad: :lou_sad:
:lou_smiley: :lou_smiley:
:lou_sunglasses: :lou_sunglasses:
:lou_surprised: :lou_surprised:
:lou_wink: :lou_wink:
:lou_wink_2: :lou_wink_2:
:mancityfc: :mancityfc:
:manunitedfc: :manunitedfc:
:mapoftasmania: :mapoftasmania:
:metoo: :metoo:
:mlt: :mlt:
:newcastlefc: :newcastlefc:
:nhs: :nhs:
:norniron: :norniron:
:northsouth: :northsouth:
:norwichcityfc: :norwichcityfc:
:ny: :ny:
:poowithaclue: :poowithaclue:
:redcard: :redcard:
:reload: :reload:
:rogerirreverent: :rogerirreverent:
:saintgoat: :saintgoat:
:saints: :saints:
:scotchland: :scotchland:
:sheffieldunitedfc: :sheffieldunitedfc:
:sotonians: :sotonians:
:southampton: :southampton:
:soviet: :soviet:
:starfleet: :starfleet:
:thedarkside: :thedarkside:
:theshirt: :theshirt:
:tories: :tories:
:tottenhamfc: :tottenhamfc:
:troll: :troll:
:trumpangry: :trumpangry:
:trumpclown: :trumpclown:
:trumpdumb: :trumpdumb:
:trumpfingerwag: :trumpfingerwag:
:trumphair: :trumphair:
:trumpmexican: :trumpmexican:
:viagra: :viagra:
:walesisntit: :walesisntit:
:watfordfc: :watfordfc:
:westhamfc: :westhamfc:
:windies: :windies:
:wolvesfc: :wolvesfc:
:yellowcard: :yellowcard:

OK, two more. Fucking pre-season friendlies…

Code Emoji
:colognefc: :colognefc:
:feyenoordfc: :feyenoordfc:

And of fucking course, who could fucking forget Guangzhou fucking R and fucking R?

Answer: Me.

Code Emoji
:guangzhourandffc: :guangzhourandffc: