Coming soon... ooh er ....Gay Chutters Cracked Rib's Abandoned new name for kid's charity thread

Cog Sugger

Far Cough

Fifty-Two Percent


Heysoose Christoss

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What part of ‘one nomination per poster’ did you not understand Auntie fuckwit? … just goes to show no fucker actually reads my posts… cunts

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Not bad Slowy, but problem I have with mys typos/spelling i woudl never be able to log on with that…

Surely, if we really wanted to be annoying we should rename him


Isaac Hunt.

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Save it in your browser dictionary and it will auto-correct if you spell it wrong. Anyway I think it confers an air of undeserved gravity to your online persona. :lou_wink_2:

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I nominate @areloa-grandee , or maybe I don’t.

In spirit of your typos and political views we should probably call yout The Gruniad :lou_lol:

BTW neither of this are serious nominations, I need to sleep on it some more.


Every year I make suggestions that you patronisingly tell me fall foul of your arbitrary good taste test.

I figured two of my suggestions would fail that test too, leaving one suggestion as my nomination.

I’ll let you pick.

Ewe Far King Cog Sugger.



I love it when Auntie Bletch plays the bitch :lou_is_a_flirt:

@saintbletch suggestion above please.

Am too pished doing an interview for a new team member in t’pub. Might work from home tomorrow…


cut n paste - that’s the fella:

Ewe Far King Cog Sugger.


The Great Gasbag

(meant in a spirit of affection, honest guv)

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