:cash: Cashless Society?

Hit a nerve there…

Barry, when was the last day you did any actual work?

Don’t you kind of have to do that to pay income tax?


I went into tesco to get some milk, so just took some coins. No self service till would accept cash, only card. The cashier’s were understaffed, with big queues, so basically forcing people to use a card(remember that next time you here how people don’t use cash anymore).

I went into Screwfix to get some srews(not really, it was a chainsaw blade), they asked for my email address. I refused. Had to get someone “in a position of authority” to override the system because i’m so fucking awkward(don’t believe my personal details are any of their business, but in modern think i don’t own me(try explaining the truth behind that to the staff)).

I don’t know about other people, but i notice these kind of things. They are very important, if you want to see the direction things are(and have been) heading in.

Here’s another 5eyes freak show that shows were we going on the 1st November.

Or if you really want to understand why it’s so invasive/controling/wrong in every sense watch this (124:30-1:33.30 very important, especially petra epperlein words).

Why doesn’t anyone ask where we’re being deliberately led and more importantly why?


Just heard monopoly is going cashless.

I think that is a shame as the game taught kids valuable life skills such as

Money management
Board flipping


The new version starts off fully populated with hotels & you then hedge fund everything until there is nothing left?


Yes, and you don’t go to jail either you get a bailout which wins you the game automatically.