:brexit: Brexit - The Ramifications

Won’t help homeowners that have over-leveraged themselves.

Will help people looking to be homeowners.

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Totally agree Pap. I follow and agree with your Labour Supply points, but as we have seen here, when disposable income gets squeezed, it has unintended side effects economically and jobs get lost…
People who are over leveraged will be in trouble, they default and are lost to the “greater good” of the economy for years.
Can’t see an unskilled labourer with a 10% pay rise affording a Pad in London though…
And those that COULD now afford them are seeing uncertain job security (not you independent types more the old secure multi-national career types.)

Only if they want to sell, if they stay put then it shouldn’t be an issue should it. Yeah I know there are loads of situations where people need to sell quickly but I would say that that is quite a small percentage.

The death of English football??

And my reply


What they seem to forget is we will support Saints irrespective of what nationality the overpaid tossers are. However i would prefer if they were British overpaid tossers.

Will we have to give up Shane Long?

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Has surely been living here long enough to be a naturalised British citizen.



EU “standards”, eh?

So I should have waited a few months?


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These are terrible things and a dangerous embarrassment to anyone with a brain.
You must be very worried about our current trajectory towards a fawning US vasel state, because that’ll be 10x worse for public health.
Remember the real point of Brexit for those currently in power.

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A link to another thread.

So the Bridge collapse in Genoa is linked to EU austerity…

Joking apart, the past 6 months we’ve been doing the ground work for an assault on Europe business wise and doing all the ground work to open an EU office. Luckily we have good contacts now with local Govenment support teams should we get the final go-ahead.

What we have learned is just what a procedural nightmare dealing with “EU Funds” or Funded organisations actually is. We were helping a project for an event in Dubai in October and they needed to book stuff by June. And here we are some 7 weeks away with an 8 week build time and "The Finance Committee have requested ANOTHER review of the process. Suffice to say we stepped out (are still helping them but won’t do the work as it simply cannot be done in time) the staff are furious, the project will be a clvsterfvck and the faceless committee members have wasted THOUSANDS of Euros on a simple project.
Heaven knows how that gets replicated on BIG deals.

Worth pointing out, the 5* Party had previously dismissed the concerns about the safety of that bridge, and other infrastructure.

Being anti-EU is part of their brand, so it’s pretty convenient for them to now blame the EU.

Oh also resorting to the UKIP/Tory trick of deleting incriminating webpages. Shame the internet never forgets, eh?



Burn the heretics. No in fact NUKE those European Heathens.
For the love of God they are EVIL.

My FIRST Roast Beef Dinner in almost 5 months. And what does SHE do?
Eats Roast Beef, Roast Parsnips


Beetroot Salad?

They can never integrate. They must be assimilated. Resistance is Futile

Indeed, whilst I don’t agree with the EU on this, the environmental and health protection in the US has always been worse and is being systematically dismantled by Trump and his cronies. The industrial influence means that if we are to trade with the US to a greater extent post Brexit, we will have to suck on that unpleasant cock…

… the US and post Brexit trade needs hey…

We’ve also been told that we will have to go meekly along with all US foreign policy(taking back control :lou_facepalm_2:), so expect our embassy in the terrorist apartheid state to move as soon as we leave. Then we get to bomb, burn and starve even more innocent women and children, so the zionists can steal their land.
Oh, don’t forget Americas plans for the NHS, say bye to that as well.

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It’s what I don’t get about Brexiteers and their ‘principles’ on this because we simply don’t live in any kind of world where we will be able to do our own thing. We have to be in bed with someone and I know I would rather be shagging…

I wish I could have those Remainer principles.

More than anything else, I just want to scream at my opponents that the things they are saying aren’t true and that they must be mentally defective / selfish / not in possession of the full facts / do not understand supply and demand. ( delete as appropriate ).

I would also like the big fucking brass neck not to budge a nano-metre when my opponents’ claims come to real life fruition.

Like when people started getting higher wages after the vote to Leave.

Higher wages are only worth something if sustained post brexit… I am somewhat amused that you seem to to be judging brexits success already … when it’s real Impact won’t be felt (mostly by the poor) for 1-2 years form now…

… love those a o level economics pap … oh to live in your little simple world… I find no pleasure in telling you you will be sorely dissapointed…