
I don’t beard - though I go for the negligent approach at weekends and holidays.

I consider myself to be one of those who can’t carry off a beard. After a weekend I resemble a tramp. A couple of weeks and I have the start of a good father Christmas :santa:


I’m inbetween them, I’m sporting one, trim back and away we go again.


Style man, panama, slacks and tache, nice.


You missed the Blue Paisley Cravat Bazza…very important detail. :lou_wink_2:



A splendid sight you look too, i wager. I have to confess attempts to grow a beard meet with derision whenever i have attempted to grow one, so i am jealous. But sometimes i go ‘downstairs for lunch’ and ‘don the beard’. Does that count?


No the car’s roomier than it looks.

Boom tish.

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I’ll check for you Goat…it’s in my tie draw. It could be up for sale to a decerning trend follower.

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I have a beard, for many reasons, but mainly because I’m so fucking cool it hurts.


I haven’t been clean shaven for pushing 20 years. But I’m not a raging beardsm’n either. I oscillate between a few week’s growth and a grade 1 clip. Always been a fascinating tortoiseshell of colour, but with an ever expanding pair of white patches either side of the chin.

Shaving really is for chumps.


I was in beard a few weeks back. Out in town on a wet day. Raincoat, backpack and walking stick. Squaddie mate asked why I was rocking the homeless veteran look? :flushed:

You dont see enough cravats these days.

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Even in my ripe old age I still can’t grow a beard … still waiting for puberty to kick in I guess.

But even if I could, I wouldn’t.

Those twats who have a Beard and Top Knot combo really are cunts of the highest order.

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I’m pleased to say it is a quality Tootal cravat…on sale now, only slightly soiled for 5p plus p&p @goatboy

I’ll take it!

I’ll give you 7p for it, @lifeintheslowlane .

Hmmm…I think I might have acted in haste.

Having seen the Tootal clamour for this stylish item I think I might keep it…unless of course someone comes it with an inflated offer of “Liverpudlian” proportions. i.e. a lot more than it’s worth.

I’ll give you a Lovren.

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Hi bud :lou_is_a_flirt:

Naa…at least my cravat has a resale value.