đŸ“” Are Huawei the lads?

Not sure I trust either, however on balance I would probably trust the Americans more when they haven’t got a raving loon in charge

The up side of the US is that regime change is possible every 4 years

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How wonderfully naive :smiley:

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Of course you can Trump is a cunt and do is his regime but the long and the short of it is you’d rather be on Miami Beach than somewhere in China, you’d prefer the yanks, so quit bitching and love it or leave it baby!

Pap you’d pick the yanks, of course you would.

And you believe Trump is his own regime, yes?

That each President represents a new regime?

How wonderfully naive!

You weren’t asking if you’d prefer to live in China or America you were asking who you’d trust more.

And in this instance I’d trust China more, China would look you in the face whilst stabbing you in the back, the US would wipe out your entire family whilst tongue snogging you and then bust a cap in the back of your head as you were walking away


I’m not even sure he was asking that.

I think he was referring to being under the military jackboot of occupation with either.

Barry loves being conquered.

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The concern, for me, is less about listening-in and more being able to cause chaos by shutting down an entire system of communication or withdrawing access to a service.

@BTripz got to the meat of the matter for me.

I’d probably rather partner with China at arm’s length and suspiciously scrutinise their actions than naively assume that the ‘special relationship’ meant that shoving a star-spangled cock up my arse wasn’t going to hurt

Also, on the note of simply withdrawing a service, the US government banned US companies from trading with China on high-tech which meant all sorts of shit for Huawei as Google was no longer able to supply elements of their phone operating systems or apps ecosystem.

This was done, not for concerns over security, but as simple leverage in the trade war that the US president feels in the best way to work with foreign powers.

If the US government wants to exert pressure on foreign governments - including our own post-EU government, they could withdraw access to Google/Microsoft/Apple services. Imagine the chaos if just Gmail disappeared overnight.

So, if the threat is the withdrawal of service, as opposed to listening-in, then of the two superpowers, only one has shown itself willing to withdraw access to a service on a whim. And it wasn’t China.


Just as a minor point. Google have been updating Huawei phones merrily for a while now, ignoring any US “ban”

Historic, as I understand it.

The last I read is that the P40 will not feature Google apps.

Still OK on my p30 but yes agreed re p40. They have the resources to work around trump / Google and I guess they will.

I use an app called WeChat to communicate with my son. I am told that everyone in China uses it, for almost everything - messages, media, maps, banking, photos, contactless payments, facial recognition, music, etc etc. Just one example of how they don’t use (or need) most global apps


The truth is, who do you trust most knowing how much porn you watch and when?

I trust @Furball.

I know he’d never finger me.

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Move somewhere that you do not get reception for 90% of your life.

Your neuroses will soon be cured.


5g will soon change that

BTW, appreciate the attempt at humour with the thread title but you don’t pronounce Huawei as Haway
you’re welcome




If only it were as simple as that.

Trump isn’t the US and if I recall the intelligence services despise him as do most of their institutions.

Just imagine a utopian view of the new Britannia, where the best and most capable service provider was chosen for Infrastructure projects.
HS2 on time and below budget. 5G that works in Wales. BBC Streaming services that make them more money than the licence fee when they realise they can sell to the whole planet.
And yes don’t be dumb, only Tory mates would get away with abusing worker rights or riding roughshod over UK planning rules & regs