🦏 A nice animal

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That’s possibly one of the most mental things I’ve ever seen. I have many questions about it and I’m taking to the internet to ask those questions.

Well, after the briefest of investigations it turns out to be a simple case of animal cruelty. I didn’t notice first time of watching but the monkey has a rope attached to it. The bloke right at the start is in charge of the monkey and they’ve trained it to ride a motorcycle. The monkey falls off and grabs the child but is pulled back by the rope attached to it.

All in all quite a sad and upsetting bit of film. Thanks @Goatboy


Maybe the monkey was trying to kidnap the child to send him up chimneys or something?

Maybe what happened to Madeline McCann? Has the monkey kidnap theory been eliminated?


Nice story.
I often saw 1 at Ojcow National Park near us & down in Zakopane.
I guess Farage wont like it though. Another Polish Migrant

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Maybe if he captures someone else to ride the tiny motorbike they’ll set him free?

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Calling @saintbletch, can you please put your underpants on over your trousers* and have a look at this one? It shows me a big bit of blank, and continues to do so following a screen refresh. I’ve followed the link but this made no difference, neither did a screen refresh after that.

One thing that might be salient here. When I follow Twitter links such as the one above, I initially get a “Something went wrong” page from Twitter. When I then refresh the screen I see the post that’s been linked here. Looks to me like that could be related, but browser stuff is hardly my forte.

* Ah. OK then, as you were.

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For a moment there I though the image was one of @saintbletch sans underpants…


Now is not the time to ponder such an image. There is never a time to ponder such an image.


[Bletch steps out of a telephone box wearing only a pair of paisley boxer shorts and a warm smile]

It’s ok ma’am - Floral Man is here.

Please stand back, stay safe and leave this to the experts.

One thing that would help, ma’am, is if you could refresh the page at different times of day and tell me if it appears and disappears.

Much obliged ma’am.


Whenever an image or video doesn’t load I just assume it was probably shit anyway and move on.

That’s the sum total of my technical input, I trust it was helpful.


Everyone quit whining and follow @scotty’s advice, please.

Phew, that was easier than I’d expected. Thanks @scotty.


you will be very pleased to know I no longer get that problem, no idea why

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What the Fowl One describes is what I’ve had for weeks, you may recall.

I’ve resorted to opening a “Private Window” (ooh er, missus) also on Firefox and that lets me view twitter pages.

Wrong thread… this is not a nice animal, That toad is cunt