Should the rich pay for your kid's free lunch?

Really… have you experienced an independent school yourself ? in effect are you qualified to make this case or is it just reflective of your assumptions based on your innate prejudices and reverse snobbery? you having met a few ignorant cunts at uni… :lou_facepalm_2:

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Pap - you haven’t mentioned you grew up on a council estate yet. Come on - I’ve got a Pap’s bingo card to complete here.


There you go. Even in private schools, the class divide persists. I bet at parents day the Idle Rich see you rock up in ur Volkswagon Passat, with ur Marks & Spencer suit, and they’re just like, ew.


No prompting him, that is just cheating! But if he says “flowers estate” I’m shouting ‘HOUSE!’.


They’re not all rich. Some are just deluded enough to throw good money away. One of my ex-girlfriends didn’t go to an independent school, but her brother did. What a mindfuck that must have been. Your brother is worth more than you.

In your opinion maybe but isn’t living in a free society about having choices ?


When I grew up on a council estate we didn’t have choices, we had fish paste sandwiches and spam for dinner (tea we now call it in the north) but it didn’t do me any harm. Papsweb wasn’t build on private education and cricket matches. It was made from hard work and sweat from the lesbian sisters on the flowers estate. Now if you southern fairies have more money than sense and want to throw it away on education, that’s fine but my kids are getting a free lunch out of it and that’s final!


This is indeed the case Bear… I know my status in lifes pecking order… but no different from similar sub groupings in the state world… With the Volvo drivers looking down on Ford Mondeo man, who looks down on Dachia man

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and the cyclists looking down on all of us


Hi unlucky fuckers who live in the UK. Where I live, University is cheap as chips even for people who come from outside of the EU and it is good. Nursery is about £300 a month, kindergarten is £250 a month and includes meals. You are squabbling over the petty scraps the masters throw you from your table when you should be looking at me on the other table getting my dick sucked and my tummy tickled. On top of that they throw cash at me for having kids. That’s one clue as to why things are different at my table. I.e. low birth rate. But what explains the low birth rate over here and the high birth rate over there. It’s actually quite a profound difference between two very similar cultures.


Where do u live? 1964?


They’re 21 and 17 respectively, penarse x

‘Dick sucked and tummy tickled’ at the same time? That’s just too much stimulation. Not sure I could cope with that.


I even slapped one of them up.

I was chilling in Lab B with Chris, one of my state educated chums.

He gets a message from “Bret” (not his real name) who claims “Hur hur! I’m going to write a password grabber and hack my fellow students”.

I send him an email saying “Password grabber? You couldn’t even print your name on the screen, you soft-arsed public school bag of shite”.

Ten minutes later, he arrives in Lab B, swinging his arms about like Hugh Grant and Colin Firth in Bridget Jones Diary.

A minute later, he’s stowed and bleeding.

Two hours later, I have to explain to ms pap that the marks on my necks are not love bites, and do in fact, represent the most ferocious attack my opponent could muster on me - scratching my neck as he was getting pummeled.

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I’d be happy just having my dick tickled


Can’t reach it with your own hands anymore?

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Bret was yr 8 at best imo.

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The best thing about Bret was that when I said that wasn’t his real name, I wasn’t changing anything to protect the guilty.

It wasn’t his name. That’s just what he called himself.

I think the epic contest with TSW’s Batman grew out of this :lou_sunglasses:

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Will you try and get it backdated?

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The newest food would be from 2011.


6 pages and the only thing i didn’t already know, is that @barry-sanchez is sending his kids private.

@steveintheforest and @mrtrampoline seemed the most sensible, until @stickywhitedovepiss came along and blew all other comments away, whilst apparently getting blown himself.

Personally, if you send your kids private, you have no right to complain. Privately educated kids struggle more in uni than state educated, once all the extra help they are used to is taken away(this has been proven), so you’re spending your money to get them talking nicely and the near guarantee, that one of their old mates will get them in a decent job(again, this has been proven). There is also the integration into normal society that they struggle so badly with. This is understandable, as it must be quite the kick in the teeth, to find out that, in fact you are no better than anyone else, despite the years that you have it drummed into you that you are(this may have something to do with all the cronyism that they practice). On the plus side, you won’t be turned away from city jobs because of your accent(that’s it, accent/undeserved job. No other pluses).

Private education is no more than an attempt to buy your childrens futures for them. Only an embarrassed tory would deny that. It’s the glue that holds our hideous class system together.