
Zika zika ahhhh. Sorry getting a bit confused with a “girl power”* song. Too soon?

Seems every day we have an update on people with the Zika virus. But I am not sure it needs to be a breaking story. It appears to have a serious consequence on pregnant women but other wise you feel a bit shit. I think I need more info. Rather than slightly scary news reports.

*so not

It seems a bit alarmist…at the moment it seems to be restricted to the Tropics but no doubt spreading.

We’re off to The Caribbean in 2 weeks time and there are reported outbreaks. Did a bit of reading about it and the links with birth defects are just “suspected” at the moment…not confirmed.

Mrs Slowlane is fortunately post-menopausal. :lou_smiley:

It is a concern in Brazil. The company keep giving advisory messages about it basically take same precautions as you would with any mosquito borne disease. IE long sleeve shirts outside during dusk or stay in the bars at dusk.

Unless you are pregnant this one will not do you much damage apart from some flu like symptons. but that is what they said about HIV in the beginning as well.

Has some more info about it.

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