Why isn't the Telford scandal being covered by the BBC?

Maybe, just maybe, and bear with me as this is controversial…

Maybe men are the problem?


Conversations you appear to have no interest in starting. Do you see them as lesser?

So far all you’ve given us is, the BBC didn’t report a story straight away. Which now looks sensible as it appears to have been rather sensationalist.

From memory, you have only started threads about abuse if you believe it involves Muslim men, as if these terrible crimes are somehow more terrible because of the religion of the perpetrator.

Can you see why i think you have an agenda @barry-sanchez ?


You haven’t read what I have written have you?

I have said and on this thread culture and attitude are as much to blame for the Asian grooming gangs as is faith, how many Muslims were abused by them though as a sidenote?

Muslim expanded to include all of Asia, but still no mention of any white men, even though there have been stories breaking recently.

Here’s something to get your head around. About 10 years old now, but more relevant than ever. Even delves into mental illness.

If you can blather on about a single subject, so can i.

Didn’t we have a thread on Catholic abuses?

Asian is the BBC way of not saying Muslim, I am merely copying them.

Yes, exactly, the BBC reporting on this very incident, thereby refuting your original hypothesis.

Glad you agree with the rest of us that the bbc is reporting the situation in Telford.

So, lock thread?

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Why can’t we continue and discuss why the bbc was so so late in coming to the party?

Why do you think?

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Here’s a crazy idea. Don’t lock the thread, just don’t read it or respond to posts on it. It’ll have slipped out of sight in a few days.

There’ll probably be a new one to replace it though



Political pressure and community pressure I would say and a pc driven agenda.

Bump…whoops sorry.