What the FUN is this?

I’m all over the shop here.


You got here though. You’ve posted. You’ll be fine.

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You’ve got shit shoes on, 2016.

I wear it with pride. Also the shit shoes.

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Welcome @Barry-Sanchez, come on in, the water is lovely…

Or stay on the shore while we throw things at you.

I’m good either way.


I’m fucked… I agree with Bazza

What device are you using, Gay?

shit hot powerbook… its my brain that cant cope… only visit when cunted/bletched

If I can use this abomination then so can you, seriously :neutral_face:


Wells all good, I am off to bed. Goodnight.

Considers frowning about swear words in thread titles.

Considers poster and situation…


I’m intrigued.

Is it that you can’t imagine what things are and how to access them.

i.e. a forum is (should be) an easy thing to model in your mind

It has a list of topics.

In each topic it has a list of posts

And each topic and post was created by a user.

Everything else is frippery that you can pick up over time.

Get that model in your head and go looking for the bits that look like what you know.

Press stuff, it won’t break.

Abomination? nah I just reckon it was seeded on one of Bletch’s evenings that end with ‘cunts’…:bomb::wink:

I only post naked pre or post porn… so I am beyond pressing unknown buttons…

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Except I’m about to record a tutorial video that might be around for a long time and the first post in the list said

“What the fuck is this?”

I’ll specially ruin it a la Badfellas for the video and change it back.


https://twitter.com/chapelkate considers this the definitive version.

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Maybe that is my problem… dont use twitter as I am not of the belief that anyone is actually that interested in what I am saying… I suspect many Tweeters think differently…

Isn’t that self-evident in any form of socially published media? If you didn’t want people to read a slice of what was in your brain at a given time, you just wouldn’t post it.

Posting anything online is attention seeking by default. I don’t mean that in a pejorative way. Ideas ought to have attention. That’s what these things are for.

The folk on Twitter have a reasonable expectation that they’ll be heard. I do have some reservations about the system and how it is used. A lot of bots, a lot of virtue signalling, a bit too much groupthink and not enough independent thought, on all sides of any debate you care to mention.

But Twitter is huge, and if sir is in any doubt of that, I would refer him to the Wotsit in the White House.

Aye and that Cunt in the Oval Office proves my point…