Welcome to our newest members

Just call him a cunt and get it over with… these long drawn self indulgent sagas of attrition are not for all members, just the biggest cunts here :crazy_face:


I’d just like to extend a warm Sotonian’s welcome to new member @WorzelScummage . I don’t know anything about you Worzel but here’s hoping you’re going to be a better contributor than that cunt Chertsey-Saint who I believe was banned yesterday.
Anyway Cheers mate. :+1:


Hello @NotBletch

You couldn’t be, could you…?

Not Belch either.

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You’ve scared him away….

It’s a mystery

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Must have been his round.

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Probably couldn’t find his wallet.

That was SO5, the real @bletch was generous to a fault, especially with a 9% stout…

Who is this Bletch?

On the night of the curry in Portswood, it was the retired Butler, Fowllyd.

Ah yes, so it was…

Are we not confusing with @Fowllyd ?

Though I think I can dig out a pic of his wallet being opened

I’m fairly sure SO45 has bought beer

Yes, yes, I’ve already been corrected thanks,. Not that you were there that evening…

I was there!

Obviously duh :man_shrugging:

Neither were you when seeing the other evidence of the wallet seeing the light of day - Palarse away as I recall - pre-covid about 5 years ago.

I would just like to put it on record @bletch actually bought me a drink once. At the time he asked me not to mention it online as it wasn’t the sort of thing he wanted made public. Now that he has since disappeared I thought it safe to report this rather sordid episode.


Yes he bought me a pint the first time I met him, although I did see him writing down the time, date, location and price of said pint in a very withered faux leather filofax.