Was this you SOS and SOG?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-41337127 The World has gone crazy. I tell thee.

And this is the final straw, is it Bazza?

What is the final straw?


It’s PC gone mad I tell ya


This has none of the attributes of a long-running and interesting thread.

My next contribution to it will be around Christmas 2019. :lou_eyes_to_sky:


… first person who mentions ‘PC gone mad’ is a cunt… oh… bollocks.


You’ve just announced that this is the point at which the world goes crazy, which means you don’t give a fuck about all that murdering stuff that goes on, or you were born yesterday.

The latter only gives me pause because most one-day olds are more coherent.

sos + sog conspicuous by absense tho. Maybe barry is On To Something. Or at least, On Something.


Does that make us communist white supremists? :lou_sad:


Donald Trump has just bought Tranmere Rovers. It’s not been announced as it’s highly confidential, for obvious reasons. I can’t reveal my source as I’ve never seen their face.

Steve Bannon will be Director in charge of (white) recruitment.

No reason given as to why he’s bought the club and no comment as to whether their kit had anything to do with his decision. (FA have refused to back down on the wearing of matching hoods during match time which is apparently a stumbling block) my faceless source speculated that maybe FA trying to get more money from Trump by making the move to remove the racist banner. ??

Crazy crazy crazy world.


No Barry. Great thread as ever though.


Think this thread is missing a tag. You know what to do.

On something I think. Looking forward to a verse of Silver Machine this evening!

I’ve done that and more.

It’s called the extra mile :lou_sunglasses:

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No idea Barry. Put a proper link in and i will have a read.

If you can’t be bothered, then neither can i.

Ol’ @barry-sanchez is a fan of using the word whopper.

I say he is a whipper.

That’s whi te i dentity p olitics per son.

Shurrup whipper.

But I is black, did anyone think to ask?

Tumbleweed moment?