:trumpdumb: Trumped!

The man is clearly intent on starting a major region wide conflict - he’s clearly deranged and needs to be removed from power Imho

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I was hoping to follow the link and find it was Les Reed for the Lols.


Quite brilliant :lou_lol:



World to recognise Moscow as capital of the United States


If you’re in doubt that Trump/Bannon is enabling and encouraging extremist nationalism

It’s only a matter of time before Trump fires Mueller, it’s being set up.

A really important US Senate vote.


Doug Jones has to win

Context though, Alabama would vote Satan in as long as he’s a Republican

Looks like the tide might just be starting to turn against Trump…

Not sure the tide turned against Trump. More against the paedo (alleged) candidate Moore. Trump backed him cos he was trying to protect his senate majority, which he has now reduced to 51-49.

Fair point @cb-saint - though Tango Manure parking space

Damn auto correct!! I’m not even going to change it because that’s way funnier.


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First Democrat win in 25 years.

That’s a massive relief. Even leaving aside the allegations of sexual misconduct, Moore is a truly egregious individual. A win for him would have been a victory for the far-right, racist, misogynist pieces of shit who back him. This piece by Paul Mason gives a good rundown of who Moore is, what he stands for and who supports him.


The upvote goes without saying, I would have given two more for this rather accurate turn of phrase.

Possibly the most cringeworthy and ill-judged videos really :grimacing:

A friend from Puerto Rico just sent me this…

Have any of you seen this. It is quite weird, with organs like the DailyMail and Sun speculating that he might have dementia.

Trump is slightly younger than my mum - my mum has no problems using one hand to drink from a glass of water…


It’s an interesting clip. I think it might be down to how he processes the adrenaline rush…a single handed tremble or double-handed steady sip. Either way it makes him look like an old fart. :lou_lol:

So now he is threatening countries via the UN to stop their aid if they vote against the UN recogniszing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel… how can that complete and utter cunt be so brassnecked and get away with it? Are they really that fucking stupid in the US…?