:trumpdumb: Trumped!

It’s all a corporate M&A game


From his reaction, Netanyahu didnt get the memo

I am beginning to wonder if Trump actually believes any of this shit or if its the first salvos of his negotiation - create chaos, blow up the established consensus, put out something so off the wall that when he finally asks for what he really wants, it doesn’t seem so bad.

I wonder how many intelligence analysts and diplomats are frantically thumbing through copies of "The art of the deal " trying to work out what he might do next

I would not hold out much hope for President Vance being any better

People need to stop worrying about being labelled an anti-semite, when all they are doing is criticizing the Israeli government, I long ago gave up worrying. Anti-semitism is hatred of Jewish people because they are Jewish, nothing more. I know I’m not an anti-semite, that’s all that concerns me. Accusing people of anti-semitism when they criticize the policies and actions of the Israeli government when they behave like nazis is just a trick they use, and sadly it works every time, politicians, newspaper editors etc live in terror of the accusation. It’s pathetic and time they started fighting back.

Expelling Palestinians from their homeland has always been Israeli policy, and by extension American too, indeed all Zionists. Here in the UK we have a Prime Minister who, in his own words, is a ‘committed Zionist without reservation’.
Read about Operation “Cast Thy Bread”, where Israel in 1948 contaminated water wells in several Palestinian villages with typhoid. This resulted in these villages being emptied of their Palestinian inhabitants. In 1948 anti-biotics were not available to the Palestinian population. Typhoid was deadly to almost all children, the elderly and to some healthy individuals. Documentation about this operation came from Israeli declassified archives. Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion approved it. In the Israeli documents no information was given on the fate of these Palestinians, the only information is that the Palestinian villages were abandoned. The Israeli archives were uncovered by Israeli historian Adam Raz, and published in Haaretz revealed a great many Israeli war crimes that were kept from the public for decades. Poisoning water wells is just one of the crimes, indeed, deliberately polluting Palestinian water supplies is a tactic still used to this day by the illegal Israeli settlers. To this day Palestinians are considered lower than animals by powers that be in Israel, hence expressions like ‘mowing the lawn’ when they are carpet bombed.

If referencing all this makes me an anti-semite, so be it. Fuck em!


I have always thought being an aunty Semite means you were related to Compo in last of the summer wine.

From the BBC

“ Trump says ‘everybody loves’ plan for US Gaza takeover…”

More gaslighting from the Tango Turd.


I thought Musk was all for free speech :lou_eyes_to_sky:

Two thirds of Trump’s wives were immigrants. Proving once again that America needs immigrants to do jobs most Americans wouldn’t touch with a barge pole!



Today at the orange wotsit’s white house…

Donald sanctions the ICC.

And he’s doubled down on making Gaza the “Riviera of the Middle East”

The truly scary part is that they can throw logic onto the mix.
All that unexploded ordnance
All those tunnels undermining rebuilds
Destroyed infrastructure
So much safer for everyone to build your new internationally recognised State over here with other people’s (USAID’S) money.

Makes sense, as it did back in Krystalnacht

Its not as far fetched as it seems - apparently there used to be popular international destinations all around that area , that used to attract the wealthy in the same way as French riviera did, before religion and war fucked it up.

As an idea its certainly out there, but nothing has worked to date so why not try something bat shit - its not like it could get any worse for the poor fuckers who live there

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Who won’t live there afterwards and will be displaced so that Donald can build his Trump Plaza without any checks and balances…


They will - this riviera will need a workforce

It’s not going to happen

Finally a news organ stopping sucking up to Tango man :grinning:

The point is though Gaza could be that again if part of an independent Palestinian state - with the locals finally having a home, stability and peace to build a local economy as it was back pre war…

This ‘idea’ does not need the US to deliver it, it needs the US to stop supporting Israels ethnic cleansing and land grab…


Blimey :anguished:

I don’t wish I’ll on any person though a good look at what afrikaners did in South Africa will open a few eyes.

It appears not all asylum seekers to the USA are equal….some of them will probably get automatic membership of the KKK

Trump just looking for yet more attention in the media or something deeper?

Yes but.

The theft of farmland started in Zimbabwe and crossed the border.
Which can be argued as reclaiming native lands, but then a lot of it no longer produces.
I am no fan of Yarpies but outside the big cities the country is turning to shit according to the ones i know on FB

No “yes but” Phil - the sins of the fathers are being revisited. As unfortunate as that seems.

Wanting to retain land that was forcibly taken from the rightful owners doesn’t hold water - and elsewhere in the world some people are also trying to boot people off their land - but that is apparently OK - ring any bells??

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