🇺🇦 The War/Invasion in/of Ukraine

I remember. I was worried that I’d misread the mood of the site so put a poll in afterward for his reinstatement.

Here’s Not The Andrew Marr Show. It’s a YouTube channel featuring people that have been chucked under the bus by Keir Starmer’s Labour. To the left of Novara Media.

They discuss the implications of the banning of RT here.

Looks like you will get some front line exclusive reports tomorrow
I have a 10 hour++ road trip to take families to the border.

Putin has laid down his conditions for peace

  • Ceasing all military action (a bit fucking rich)
  • A change to the constitution to enshrine neutrality
  • Acknowledgement of Crimea as Russian territory
  • Recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent

I am calling bullshit and this is just a delaying tactic.

Looks like you were right to be suspicious…

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Worth 10 minutes of anyone’s time.


Posting this again:

Here’s a picture (from Bellingcat of all places) of Zelenskey sat round a table with him.

Is that a Russian video discrediting the other video as I don’t speak Russian or Ukrainian.

If it’s supposed to be the same bloke it isn’t

That bloke in the video makes as much sense as the brothers from Barry island

I can show you pictures of Gerry Adams and British MP’s and the Prime Minister of the day, wasn’t Mandela a terrorist?
You’re reaching, also Putin met Kadyrov, what is this? MP’s meet arseholes shocker, they have to work with the extremes everyday, its called diplomacy and politics.

But Barry, what about whatabouttery?

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For Pap.

Apparently the guy is a Lt Col which would explain the age

Stand down. Maybe Wednesday - some of the group didn’t get across the border

That is a pretty senior rank to be kept uninformed about the true nature of the operation.

But not if you read that FSB “leak”/ Tweet. Even says the Duma had no idea either

True. If that leak is true.

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This I would imagine and guess would have been in the planning from 2014 and seen as an extension of that, so therefore without it getting out it would have to be a very small group of people and would only have been Putin’s closest allies that have worked with him from his KGB days, so maybe 5 people knew from before 2014, about right, people may have suspected but it would be deniable under a training op and as the date for invasion got closer the people that needed to know got told, Lukashenko I bet didn’t know fully until a few weeks ago.

It clearly leaked a few weeks before the actual invasion. Pretty clear when Biden said Invasion will start on Wednesday and it did.
Also seems a lot of intelligence was passed to Ukraine defence forces

We’ll never know if the US knew definitively or called Putin’s bluff, as I say this was planned years in advance and no one knew, you can’t get this sort of thing done quickly, that bit is all guess work, what we do know is Putin does recognise Ukraine as a nation.