:uefa_logo: ⚽ The UEFA Euro 2024 Thread

Why is that Romanian wearing a condom on his head. Sponsorship requirements?

Gareth Southgate puts on a condom before having a wank.

I once took my biggest Dubai client to a football match in Derby.
We both wore Condoms on our heads.
What’s the problem?

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I hear you were holding hands…please explain. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably to stay upright after the visit to the lottery winning Real Ale microbrewery at the station

Plausible, you’ll be relieved to hear. :lou_lol:

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Known in polite circles as a ‘Gentlemans Wank’.

…ah, a fellow Viz reader.:+1: That makes you, me and Pap as far as I know :smile:

Oi! I’m a ex-viz reader…

Sod Viz how have Austria not scored yet?

Because Turkey have scored 2

Game on just as i prep to go to bed

Top game this one. Belting

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If only Engerland could be bothered to play like either team.

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My young Turks march on Berlin!

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Enjoyed that

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I thought it was a Posh Wank…

“ex”, mate. We’re talking current. :sunglasses::smile::smile:

That’s a colloquial term for a liaison with an, ahem, professional lady at the lower end of the cost spectrum. Generally used by the so-called upper classes.