🏉🏏📰 The Other Sports News Thread

Apparently Emma is the first ever qualifier to reach a grand slam final, that in itself is pretty impressive.


Amazing achievement. Just wow

And what are her chances of winning SPOTY this year??

Toughie - is Olympic year

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Yes but she beat the Olympic Gold medallist in the quarter final so that surely makes her a Gold Medal Plus winner.


Just watched a rerun of the whole match…easy…piece of piss. Very impressive :lou_lol:

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Both finalists

Were born in Canada
Had immigrant parents
Mother’s are Asian
Both were 18 when the tournament stared
Both were outside the top 50

This is going to be one hell of a match

So another in a long line of “British” sports persons that aren’t British…


She’ll be British if she wins.


Get a grip nipper, she moved to this Sainted Isle when she was barely a foetus (3) and learned all her tennis here. That makes her a bona fide Brit tennis player.


Who gives a fuck… we claim!

(NB. I long for the days predicted in Star Trek and Starship Troopers where we are just all earth citizens… but I suspect that in the year 3758 when the rest of the planet is in a single government, Britain will have voted to remain ‘sovereign’ :wink:

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And Johnson’s brain preserved in a jar is still “leading” us :roll_eyes:


Nope he will have been dissected and we’ll all have a little bit fricasseed. :lou_lol:

With a nice Chianti?

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Oh dear god let that be true. :rofl:

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As the great Dan Maskell once never said.

Raducanu oooh OOOOOH
Push Pineapple shake the tree…

Yep, that’s fvcked you lot watching it tomorrow night

Is it wrong to fancy the Smoking hot umpire?

Just got home.
Need some expert help here while I check out Dickie Bird.

Need some help.
How long does this Tennis thing take?
Is there a Half-Time?
How many Substitutes can the Manager make?
Obv I’m a big fan of Ms Agadoo do do, push Pineapple or whoever she is.

How many ways can an Umpire give you out in this?

Did the girl in red only pack one frock for this?

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