šŸ˜  The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

About 20 years ago every time I went home from a job abroad somebody had passed away.
Then nothing the survivors are still going and will probably beat me (I dont live healthily)

After the kick in the nuts last week work wise, plan B for short term work kicked into action.
I have an interview tomorrow for Englush speaking Limo work for a month or two.
Yay an interview!
At 7am.
(Obviously still looking for the proper stuff)


Who is going to the first on here to book him?

Maybe we could do a Sotonians limo pub crawl of poland


Count me in for pub crawl bit.

You lot?
Guys I need to earn tipsā€¦
And how can I coach you through the Vodka bar without joining in.

Hang on.
1st ever Saints Fan Forum Awayday Drinking Club Weekend.
Iā€™ll be back after 7am tomorrow

Do they have anti drink driving laws in Poland?

Even sniffing a can of Radler puts you over the limit. Flying was 8 hours bottle to throttle, driving is 1 unit 2 hours in UK, 4 hours here so itā€™s a (hopefully) short term abstinence!
Anyway, sorted. Le Grande Tour Sotonians is on just need to get the medical done tomorrow.
And a nice overnighter to Budapest next week to get some wonga in the bank at last.

Rain on holidays - everywhere we go we get it

I could accept that if we holidayed in Cork or the Highlands all the time but we donā€™t

Dubai - rain
Jordan - rain
Ulhuru - rain
Egypt - rain
South of France in a heatwave - rain


Think yourself lucky. I got caught in a snowstorm in Morocco.


Hoping my colleagues read this. Boiled eggs every day!

Sardines in tomato sauce and occasionally a boiled egg is my retaliation when we get stunk out by whatever god forsaken festering leftovers people bring into my office and have the temerity to call it lunch. Itā€™s a war of attrition.

I guess you might want to ask why people may be brining in eggs every day @Intiniki. :wink:

itā€™s their bloody ridiculous diets. I donā€™t give a toss how many sins (I donā€™t even know if thatā€™s spelt right) that biscuit has. etc.

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And every diet meal is accompanied by a Diet Coke I bet.

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nearly always. Plus there is always a biscuit tin which is replenished often.

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Donā€™t forget the birthday treats in the kitchenā€¦

All the crap is put on the edge of my desk. I donā€™t even eat any of it.

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With all the birthdays in my office as well as the leftovers from lunch meetings you can visibly see some people in my office expanding.

Thereā€™s always some of the free fruit we give staff left in the kitchen every day. So much so I sometimes get fruit-based self-induced clinical dysentery with all the fibreā€¦ :joy::wink:


Fucking children.
Make me drive the fucking boat while she takes 800+ pictures in 2 fucking days on my new fucking camera(whilst telling me about all the new fucking settings sheā€™s found).
If that wasnā€™t bad enough sheā€™s only got about a dozen fucking pictures of fucking Kingfishers(what i bought the fucking thing for in the first fucking place).
So do i

  • Throw her in?
  • Throw the camera in?

0 voters

Iā€™m not fucking annoyed about it though and yes sheā€™s fucking better than me with it as fucking well :lou_facepalm_2:


Mrs P_F has a 2nd interview for a job as manager at a new club in town.
Itā€™s tomorrow at 8pm.
They invited me along as it is Ā£10 all you can drink might.
I have a medical for my driver job at 8am Friday.
It includes a blood test.

On the plus side, Sotonians weekend away day just took an upside.


10 quid all you can drink night
That is the cost of 2 drinks in the Langley Tavern next time I am in Europe I am coming to yours.