😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life

My dad has a hernia just as I diagnosed. I should be a fucking doctor. It’s a piece of piss.


Do you have any free appointments today?

No. Post here tomorrow at 8am and I’ll see if I’m free.


Fucking doctors…!

This was the waiting room. Completely empty because no fucker can make an appointment


Surely if you go to these events you know what you are going to see?

So, one American attended, was offended and it makes the national news.

Ffs. - silly season,

I don’t see what’s wrong with selling nazi war memorabilia. I’d love to own some, not because I’m a Nazi but because I like history and old things. They’re an important part of world history and as nasty as those boys were it’s really interesting.


Teenage Mutant gets taken to a mates birthday beer-up by Young Adult because she wants to drive to a mates to “catch up”, with a promise to pick up younger bro’ by midnight.

Only managed to “forget” to pick him up

2:55 - I’ll be going to bed now then



We build / refurbish quite a lot of GP surgeries here at Numpty Towers and along the way have gained a partial insight into the workings of NHS primary healthcare practices. IMHO quality of service very much depends upon the individual practice and their GP’s.

** Warning many swears incoming **

Fucking cunting arsehole companies whose only cunting job it was to hold/release our ISA for our house have fucked up and can now no longer guarantee that our, OUR fucking money will be released on the fucking completion date. As a result, the moronic fuckers have caused yet another cunting delay to our fucking move that has already been fucking delayed about 12 fucking times.



I’m from Gosport.

I can have them killed.

Just say the word.




Get 'em

On it.

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Will there be a live stream?..asking for a friend.

All I’ll say is that I’ve gone out on a limb for my mate @KRG and it’s cost me 3 large*.

* 3 large doner kebabs - the unofficial currency of Gosport town ward.


Either life is cheap in Gosport, or doner kebabs are fucking expensive.

Think we just worked out where they get the meat for their Dinner Kebabs

I like their website front page with the “As Featured On” with all the big brands. Anyone good with computers and stuff and can hack it to put up the Sotonians logo as well?

From Gosport? That practically makes you a Skate.

I think we have to admire a man who’s managed to overcome such an appalling start in life.